2005 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Races/Places: Elves
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Races/Places: Elves Valid Characters: 561 Score: 6
What makes Aerlinnel so powerful as a writer is the way that conflict is handled. Specifically, inner turmoil foiled against greater events. In both "Sercemaite" and "The Twilight," the impacts of various decisions were enormous and echoed through multiple generations, but though Aerlinnel paid tribute to that, it wasn't the focus of the story. Instead, the focus was on individuals who were struggling to understand these larger events and reach a peace of sorts within themselves. Making this even more powerful is that this peace is never quite reached. Not entirely. And the ending is bittersweet as a result. Very effective writing choice, and very reminiscient of the elves.
Reviewer: alysha2k3 Category: Races/Places: Elves Valid Characters: 648 Score: 7
Such a grim reminder of the horror of the Kinslyings, but very realistically portrayed. When I originally read this tale it was the second of two chapters, one from each point of view and remarkably believable. It is easy to gloss over the harsh reality by just refering to 'The Kinslayings', but as in any violent act, the damage of Elven f?a and hr?a is beyond mere words. It is action and deed and therefore all too real to the participants.
We humans are too long accustomed to violence, and even mindless brutallity, which was unthinkable to Elves as a people, so often we do not understand the unspeakableness of the wrong of killing of our fellow men, for what ever reason. Elves, as the example of what we COULD have been shows us how far we have fallen from that ideal.
Thank you for this insightful story.