2004 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Horror
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Horror
Stories: The Lure of the Darkness
Extremes are best told in contrasts and comparisons, and Ainaechoiriel has done just that in her fic. The difference between light and dark (as well as why this difference needs to be recognized by those who live between the two) is illustrated very well. Ainae keeps up a brisk pace that serves the story well and gives us enough of a glimpse of light beyond the darkness that we truly appreciate the horror of the situation. She expertly puts Legolas and his company in the gray areas where neither light nor darkness holds complete sway, and then she gives us the bright, innocent elven child set against the darkness that surrounds Dol Guldur. Very effective atmospheric technique.
Reviewer: Elanor Category: Horror
Stories: The Lure of the Darkness
Good writer who develops a well crafted story line. This was the only story so far in this category were I experienced horror.
Reviews for Rohan
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Rohan
Stories: Myth and Memory, Namesake
The underlying theme of memory and the obligation to remember are well brought out by the author, particularly in 'Namesake'. Ainaechoiriel seems to have an inter-fandom interest in this theme, which is quite apropos to Arda.
Reviewer: Viv Category: Rohan
Stories: Myth and Memory, Namesake
I hadn't read your work before, but I will definitely do so after reading these two stories. You ease a reader into the story so smoothly, I never felt the resistant pull of boredom, as is so common with fic. You set the stage, but didn't overdo it; you evoked a certain tone, but didn't take it over the top. This is good writing.
Reviewer: Elanor Category: Rohan
Stories: Myth and Memory, Namesake
Ainaechoiriel writes lively real person's feelings, believable renderings of humans. I feel them not to be distinctively Rohirrim personalities, though allusions to Rohirrim culture appear abundantly. In "Myth and Memory" the protagonists are perhaps simply too young for having already developed full fledged Rohirrim personalities. In "Namesake" the active warrior's time is long left behind. I think my feeling originates from the word choices.