2006 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Genres: Drama
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 561 Score: 5
Ariel is well known for her ability to write Frodo and Sam\'s close friendship achingly well, and that is plain here. She still makes us feel that it is a friendship closer even than a romantic love would have been -- friendship in the tradition of Plato, two bodies with one soul. Yet what caught me offguard about this year\'s nominations was how clearly she sees *Rosie*. Here is a woman who perceives all too well and has the quiet commonsensical strength one would expect of a hobbit who does not go on adventures but instead weathers the storm. As always, her characterizations are what win my heart and make me feel emotionally drained after the story -- they\'re that realistic.
Reviews for Races: Hobbits
Reviewer: Lindelea Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 204 Score: 3
\"The Angst Maven\", and rightly so dubbed. Ariel is a good author to turn to whenever your nails need a good trim. Of course, they just might end up looking like movie-Frodo\'s before she\'s done! (I especially like her strong and courageous Frodo!)
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 171 Score: 3
Ariel has a sure grasp of the personalities of Hobbits, particularly Frodo. Her prose is elegant, subtle, and moving; and she has the ability to convey depths of feelings and thoughts in between the lines.
Reviewer: Cuthalion Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 220 Score: 3
Ariel has a skilled hand with characterization, her heroes are remarkable portraits of our favorite hobbits, her prose is elegant and clever ,and her erotic tales are tastefully handled and stunningly beautiful (aside from the fact that she\'s an amazing beta!)
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 561 Score: 5
Ariel is well known for her ability to write Frodo and Sam\'s close friendship achingly well, and that is plain here. She still makes us feel that it is a friendship closer even than a romantic love would have been -- friendship in the tradition of Plato, two bodies with one soul. Yet what caught me offguard about this year\'s nominations was how clearly she sees *Rosie*. Here is a woman who perceives all too well and has the quiet commonsensical strength one would expect of a hobbit who does not go on adventures but instead weathers the storm. As always, her characterizations are what win my heart and make me feel emotionally drained after the story -- they\'re that realistic.