2006 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Genres: Drama

Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 108 Score: 2
Bodkin does a good job of capturing the elves in the Undying Lands. I always thought paradise would be boring, but not her version!
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 150 Score: 2
Bodkin has a way of infusing everything that she writes with an amazing amount of detail, whether it be a drabble or an epic. Her stories and characters draw the reader in every time.

Reviews for Genres: Humor

Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 394 Score: 4
As a rule, I tend to find Bodkin a stronger writer in the short story category or the one-shot piece category than I do a novelist. In shorter pieces, characterization and motivation are at more of a premium, and as these are her strengths, she does well presenting slices of larger pictures. This is sometimes done humorously to good effect. Not as strong on longer stories where plot has to take more of a front seat, but I definitely think her talents shine in the short story.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 196 Score: 3
Bodkin\'s writing style is lyrical, full of beautiful and resonating imageries. She conveys thought-provoking subjects through meaningful dialogues, deft characterisations (especially of Elves), and nicely balanced-humour.
Reviewer: Lindelea Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 151 Score: 3
Bodkin is one of those authors who brings a chuckle, often one I didn\'t see coming, through a deft touch and sure sense of timing, real-sounding dialogue and well-drawn characters.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 108 Score: 2
Bodkin does a good job of capturing the elves in the Undying Lands. I always thought paradise would be boring, but not her version!
Reviewer: Larner Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 536 Score: 5
Bodkin has the ability to be thoughtful and humorous, poignant and joyful all within the same story. But in her thoughts on how others have private laughs at Elladan and Elrohir\'s lack of appreciation for what they are REALLY saying in the Dwarf tongue she is downright wicked! Her ability to spark my own imagination I find most pleasurable, and it was with distinct delight that I managed to, in my own collection, to add just one more individual to those who understand just what the phrases taught to Elrond\'s sons by impish young Dwarves actually mean. Thank you indeed for giving my imagination such a workout in this story, Bodkin my friend.

Reviews for Genres: Romance

Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 108 Score: 2
Bodkin does a good job of capturing the elves in the Undying Lands. I always thought paradise would be boring, but not her version!
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 196 Score: 3
Bodkin\'s writing style is lyrical, full of beautiful and resonating imageries. She conveys thought-provoking subjects through meaningful dialogues, deft characterisations (especially of Elves), and nicely balanced-humour.
Reviewer: Larner Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 222 Score: 3
There are a few authors whose work always is wonderful to read, rich with humor, pathos, and thought. Certainly this has proven true of Bodkin. I don\'t think I\'ve ever read one of her stories I\'ve been disappointed in, and her writing has inspired my own more than once.

Reviews for Races: Cross-Cultural

Reviewer: Marigold Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 106 Score: 2
Bodkin always writes her characters in an engaging way, and has a real gift of writing dialogue. I always like her perspective!
Reviewer: Larner Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 147 Score: 2
One thing that Bodkin shines particularly at is in presenting us with conversations that keep us interested and spark thought. Certainly she has managed to do so in this story.
Reviewer: Lindelea Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 224 Score: 3
Bodkin writes hobbits and elves conversing in a way that puts the spotlight on their common characteristics, without ever losing sight of their differences. Excellent characterisations, realistic dialogue, good description that pulls the reader into the scene.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 394 Score: 4
As a rule, I tend to find Bodkin a stronger writer in the short story category or the one-shot piece category than I do a novelist. In shorter pieces, characterization and motivation are at more of a premium, and as these are her strengths, she does well presenting slices of larger pictures. This is sometimes done humorously to good effect. Not as strong on longer stories where plot has to take more of a front seat, but I definitely think her talents shine in the short story.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 108 Score: 2
Bodkin does a good job of capturing the elves in the Undying Lands. I always thought paradise would be boring, but not her version!

Reviews for Races: Men

Reviewer: Marigold Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 130 Score: 2
Bodkin has a way of really pulling a reader into her stories! They always leave me understanding a character or a point from the book better than I did before.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 108 Score: 2
Bodkin does a good job of capturing the elves in the Undying Lands. I always thought paradise would be boring, but not her version!
Reviewer: Larner Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 549 Score: 5
I so love reading Bodkin\'s stories, no matter what the subject. Her ability to convey the mood and the characters, particularly through conversations (which are often highly witty), is unexcelled. I feel the laughter and the grief, the pleasure and the pains each knows. Mostly she appears to rejoice in writing the adventures of Elrond\'s twin sons and Legolas as they adjust to life in Aman; but now and then the focus will shift to our beloved Aragorn and look at his reactions to the situations his life brings him to. But no matter what the subject, there is a feeling of distinct satisfaction in reading her stories. I only hope I am able to meet her standards.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 394 Score: 4
As a rule, I tend to find Bodkin a stronger writer in the short story category or the one-shot piece category than I do a novelist. In shorter pieces, characterization and motivation are at more of a premium, and as these are her strengths, she does well presenting slices of larger pictures. This is sometimes done humorously to good effect. Not as strong on longer stories where plot has to take more of a front seat, but I definitely think her talents shine in the short story.

Reviews for Times: Fourth Age and Beyond

Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond Valid Characters: 108 Score: 2
Bodkin does a good job of capturing the elves in the Undying Lands. I always thought paradise would be boring, but not her version!
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond Valid Characters: 150 Score: 2
Bodkin has a way of infusing everything that she writes with an amazing amount of detail, whether it be a drabble or an epic. Her stories and characters draw the reader in every time.
Reviewer: Larner Category: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond Valid Characters: 573 Score: 5
Bodkin can, through the conversations of Legolas, Elladan, and Elrohir, do so much to inspire and entertain as well as to provoke thought. There are few I can think of who can reach such depth while appearing merely lighthearted at first. In the story of the new year one sees a full range of emotions--boredom, frustration, planning and determination, concern, and honor, all very well portrayed. As for the ending and Gandalf\'s final firework in honor of Frodo Baggins.... As for Sweet Woodbine--to celebrate the growing love for Elerrina and the great responsibility Legolas handles is a joy. Truly a delight to read Bodkin\'s work at any time; and in these stories it\'s even more true.
Reviewer: Inglor Category: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond Valid Characters: 784 Score: 7
Where to begin? Another author I stumbled onto, I originally started reading her \"Returned to Valinor\" fics by accident. The attention to detail and \"realism\", if I can use that term refering to anything in Fantasy, is what sucked me into Bodkin\'s writing. I found it intriguing how easily she rooted the elves to nature in a most logical and yet unimagined (by me) way. Her writing has an elegance that few writers that I have read can match. She is in my personal pantheon of FF writer\'s. The subtle and not so subtle complexities between characters is worth paying for. And she gives this Sil geek plenty of First Age characters in Legolas centered fics (fics which I normally avoid in the same fashion I avoid statistics problems). She deals with the issue of rehousing in a way that is usually avoided, delving deep into not only how the rehoused are recieved but how the rehoused deal with being alive again. If she could accept payment, I would.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond Valid Characters: 196 Score: 3
Bodkin\'s writing style is lyrical, full of beautiful and resonating imageries. She conveys thought-provoking subjects through meaningful dialogues, deft characterisations (especially of Elves), and nicely balanced-humour.
Reviewer: Dreamflower Category: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond Valid Characters: 552 Score: 5
There are only a few Elf writers whom I regularly read, and Bodkin is at the top of my short list. She has a very sure grasp of her Elves, and does not allow herself to lose sight of the fact that they *are* Elves. And yet at the same time she makes them very personable and accessible. I love the \"politics\" of Valinor in the Fourth Age which she has developed, and her OCs are as interesting to read as her canon characters. When she occasionally ventures away from Elves, she does well also--I especially like her take on Pippin, for example, and she has written about young Eowyn and Eomer as well. But it is Legolas, Elladan and Elrohir who seem to have her heart, and it shows.
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