2004 Author Reviews for
Celandine Brandybuck
Reviews for Men
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Men
Stories: Courting the Lady, In His Brother's Shadow
Celandine is a talented writer. She did a fine job at capturing the personalities of her characters, Tolkien's characters.
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Men
Stories: Courting the Lady, In His Brother's Shadow
Celandine has a way of reversing time and taking us back to the moments when the seeds of greatness as well as the seeds of doom first break through the surface of a man's soul. And this is done without ever losing sight of what will ultimately happen. Essentially, Celandine lays the foundations for the future and does so with such care and attention to detail that it's difficult to imagine that these characters had a beginning that could be any different from the one we're presented. The politics, maneuvering, and second-guessing that always accompanies the upper echelons of men are told clearly and confidently in Celandine's stories, and never are we as readers left feeling as thought something had gone overlooked or missing. Celandine is a master of tight writing and beautiful story telling.
Reviewer: Elanor Category: Men
Stories: Courting the Lady, In His Brother's Shadow
Celandine Brandybuck writes long stories which hold me enthralled. Many passages agree very well with my views of ME though other passages are too light-minded for my interpretation of Gondor steadily withering in the never-ending battle. Yet she writes of the "good" years before despair engulfed Denethor so I can understand her views. Her sequence of the "Steward's family" belongs to my imaginary LotR Appendix G.