2005 Author Reviews for
Celandine Brandybuck
Reviews for Books/Time: Post-Ring War
Reviewer: Marta Category: Books/Time: Post-Ring War Valid Characters: 557 Score: 6
Celandine does such a good job with family relationships! Her young Faramir and Boromir seem like the men they grow up to, or at least have the potential to grow that way. Also, her writing is mechanically good -- no niggling errors to bother the editor in me that I can't seem to subdue even when I'm not betaing -- and her writing reflects her historical background well. What I like most, at least in her Gondor-centric stories, is how she writes Denethor as something other than a monster: not always likeable, but at least understandable. This carries over into her stories about Haldir and homosexuality in the Elven community: an ability to bring nuance to hard topics.
Reviews for Books/Time: The Hobbit
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Books/Time: The Hobbit Valid Characters: 399 Score: 5
One of the things that I love most about Celandine as an author is her amazing ability to bring cultures to life. You find it in both "Sheathing Sting" and "The Dragon Gem." Little things that really make a society special are created or expanded upon in both stories, and it's fascinating to see how a society's values shape its people and their attitudes. You get a better sense of the characters, particularly the OCs, when the culture is properly defined, and Celandine does this extremely well.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Books/Time: The Hobbit Valid Characters: 557 Score: 6
Celandine does such a good job with family relationships! Her young Faramir and Boromir seem like the men they grow up to, or at least have the potential to grow that way. Also, her writing is mechanically good -- no niggling errors to bother the editor in me that I can't seem to subdue even when I'm not betaing -- and her writing reflects her historical background well. What I like most, at least in her Gondor-centric stories, is how she writes Denethor as something other than a monster: not always likeable, but at least understandable. This carries over into her stories about Haldir and homosexuality in the Elven community: an ability to bring nuance to hard topics.
Reviews for Books/Time: The Silmarillion
Reviewer: Marta Category: Books/Time: The Silmarillion Valid Characters: 557 Score: 6
Celandine does such a good job with family relationships! Her young Faramir and Boromir seem like the men they grow up to, or at least have the potential to grow that way. Also, her writing is mechanically good -- no niggling errors to bother the editor in me that I can't seem to subdue even when I'm not betaing -- and her writing reflects her historical background well. What I like most, at least in her Gondor-centric stories, is how she writes Denethor as something other than a monster: not always likeable, but at least understandable. This carries over into her stories about Haldir and homosexuality in the Elven community: an ability to bring nuance to hard topics.
Reviews for Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Drama (includes Angst) Valid Characters: 557 Score: 6
Celandine does such a good job with family relationships! Her young Faramir and Boromir seem like the men they grow up to, or at least have the potential to grow that way. Also, her writing is mechanically good -- no niggling errors to bother the editor in me that I can't seem to subdue even when I'm not betaing -- and her writing reflects her historical background well. What I like most, at least in her Gondor-centric stories, is how she writes Denethor as something other than a monster: not always likeable, but at least understandable. This carries over into her stories about Haldir and homosexuality in the Elven community: an ability to bring nuance to hard topics.
Reviews for Races/Places: Dwarves
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races/Places: Dwarves Valid Characters: 557 Score: 6
Celandine does such a good job with family relationships! Her young Faramir and Boromir seem like the men they grow up to, or at least have the potential to grow that way. Also, her writing is mechanically good -- no niggling errors to bother the editor in me that I can't seem to subdue even when I'm not betaing -- and her writing reflects her historical background well. What I like most, at least in her Gondor-centric stories, is how she writes Denethor as something other than a monster: not always likeable, but at least understandable. This carries over into her stories about Haldir and homosexuality in the Elven community: an ability to bring nuance to hard topics.
Reviews for Races/Places: Elves
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races/Places: Elves Valid Characters: 557 Score: 6
Celandine does such a good job with family relationships! Her young Faramir and Boromir seem like the men they grow up to, or at least have the potential to grow that way. Also, her writing is mechanically good -- no niggling errors to bother the editor in me that I can't seem to subdue even when I'm not betaing -- and her writing reflects her historical background well. What I like most, at least in her Gondor-centric stories, is how she writes Denethor as something other than a monster: not always likeable, but at least understandable. This carries over into her stories about Haldir and homosexuality in the Elven community: an ability to bring nuance to hard topics.
Reviews for Races/Places: Gondor
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races/Places: Gondor Valid Characters: 557 Score: 6
Celandine does such a good job with family relationships! Her young Faramir and Boromir seem like the men they grow up to, or at least have the potential to grow that way. Also, her writing is mechanically good -- no niggling errors to bother the editor in me that I can't seem to subdue even when I'm not betaing -- and her writing reflects her historical background well. What I like most, at least in her Gondor-centric stories, is how she writes Denethor as something other than a monster: not always likeable, but at least understandable. This carries over into her stories about Haldir and homosexuality in the Elven community: an ability to bring nuance to hard topics.
Reviews for Races/Places: Hobbits
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races/Places: Hobbits Valid Characters: 557 Score: 6
Celandine does such a good job with family relationships! Her young Faramir and Boromir seem like the men they grow up to, or at least have the potential to grow that way. Also, her writing is mechanically good -- no niggling errors to bother the editor in me that I can't seem to subdue even when I'm not betaing -- and her writing reflects her historical background well. What I like most, at least in her Gondor-centric stories, is how she writes Denethor as something other than a monster: not always likeable, but at least understandable. This carries over into her stories about Haldir and homosexuality in the Elven community: an ability to bring nuance to hard topics.