2004 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Drama: Poetry
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Drama: Poetry
Stories: Boe Bedich Len, Haldir?; From Fangorn Forest to Helm's Deep, Canto I The Forest, Rescue of the Rowan
Chathol-linn has a gift for poetry. I would envy here, but my first love is in stories, though I have been inspired with poems now and then. I do like the rhyming ones best, but am astounded at times how easy it seems she came by those rhymes. Easy in reading, of course, they may have been hard in the writing. The result doesn't show the struggle, just a nicely polished result.
Reviews for Lord of the Rings: Poetry
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Lord of the Rings: Poetry
Stories: Song Fight at the Swan and Cygnet Saloon
I don't analyze poetry well, but I did find this to be very creative and eminently speakable. Trips off the tongue very nicely, and the imagery is wonderful.