2004 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Humor
Reviewer: Larian Elensar Category: Humor
Stories: Home for the Holidays by Elladan son of Elrond, How I Spent My Summer Vacation
I love claudi007's totally understated humor, and his ability to tap into real life situations that we all experience at some time or another. We can all relate to at least a couple of the things that Elladan goes through in his Summer Vacation and Home for the Holidays series.
Reviewer: Viv Category: Humor
Stories: Home for the Holidays by Elladan son of Elrond, How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Well, what can I say about your writing style that you haven't heard before? That it feels effortless and deliciously sarcastic and is impossible to stop reading once one has started? But you've probably heard that already. How about "You've such a talent for making the mundane amusing that I would willingly read your grocery lists"? Really, I could say a lot of nice things about your writing, but I bet none of it would be new news. But at least my chattering on here will give you some extra MEFA points. You deserve 'em.
Reviewer: Anna/Andreth Category: Humor
Stories: Home for the Holidays by Elladan son of Elrond, How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Claudio's stories are as funny as they are well written. Every time I reread them I find some new little piece of snarkiness that I didn't notice before. He makes the stories so outrageous that they're almost believable. It's like reading about the Lifestyles of the Shallow and Shameless. He truly has a talent for writing entertaining stories.
Reviewer: Alexcat Category: Humor
Stories: Home for the Holidays by Elladan son of Elrond, How I Spent My Summer Vacation
If Claudio's aim was to make sure my monitor was splattered with whatever I was drinking, he succeeded with his often dry, very often tongue in cheek Elladan and his adventures with everyday life. He manages to make the mundane funny and the funny seem normal in the life of Elladan.