2005 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Books/Time: Gap-Filler
Reviewer: sulriel Category: Books/Time: Gap-Filler Valid Characters: 223 Score: 3
I consider Cuthalion to be one of those hidden gems as I had not read any of her work previous to this year's MEFAs. I was delighted with the balanced blend of detail and imagery that brought the stories to life without being overwhelming. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Reviews for Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings
Reviewer: sulriel Category: Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings Valid Characters: 223 Score: 3
I consider Cuthalion to be one of those hidden gems as I had not read any of her work previous to this year's MEFAs. I was delighted with the balanced blend of detail and imagery that brought the stories to life without being overwhelming. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Reviews for Genres: Romance
Reviewer: Rabidsamfan Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 451 Score: 5
Cuthalion is one of the rare authors who can create an original character -- even a love interest! -- and make you as interested in following the story about that character as you are in the characters you came to the fanfic for. And she combines this with the ability to write scenes that sizzle off the screen.
Her work is full of details that bring life and texture to her stories, and imagery that makes me smile and sometimes weep. But it is her characters, and the strong sense of love she brings to them, which brings me to her stories again and again.