2006 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Genres: Alternate Universe
Reviewer: Dreamflower Category: Genres: Alternate Universe Valid Characters: 604 Score: 6
I really love Dana\'s writing. Her style is her greatest strength. She writes in an intensely personal present-tense, which lends a very vivid and visceral immediacy to the emotions of the point-of-view character. In addition to that, her attention to all the sensory details gives each story a lyrical, almost poetical sound. And yet at the same time there is also something rather dreamlike about it--especially the shorter stories which take place at night. Although she writes a lot of slash--the more graphic of which I do not read--her stories are a good deal more about love and faith than they are about lust. I do wish she would write more in the G or PG range, but she is venturing into longer fics, which is encouraging.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Genres: Alternate Universe Valid Characters: 821 Score: 7
Dana is yet another writer whose work seems to bear a very distinctive stylistic mark, so that it should be hard to mistake her writing for anyone else\'s. She deals sensitively with her characters, always cutting quickly to the central themes and evocations of them, so that their actions and their understanding of their actions flows quickly and naturally. It\'s a very clean style, very strong, and flows like a current in a river.
Her depiction of romantic relationships, particularly those subtextual slashy ones, benefits from this, as it enables her to effectively present two characters as deeply in love (or falling into it) without any unnecessary flourishes or sentimentality, and in a poetic manner rather than a purely prosaic one. Silences speak, and what isn\'t said is nevertheless presented through omission and nicely suggested. In this way, the reader is drawn ineluctably to simply believe what is placed before him or her. Check her work out, it is well worth it.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Genres: Alternate Universe Valid Characters: 221 Score: 3
Dana has a beautiful style of wrtiting! In few words, she never fails to paint a detailed picture of the thoughts and actions of her characters. Her depictions of Merry and Pippin are just superb, whether it be gen or slash, and her plots never fail to hold my interest.
Reviews for Races: Hobbits
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 821 Score: 7
Dana is yet another writer whose work seems to bear a very distinctive stylistic mark, so that it should be hard to mistake her writing for anyone else\'s. She deals sensitively with her characters, always cutting quickly to the central themes and evocations of them, so that their actions and their understanding of their actions flows quickly and naturally. It\'s a very clean style, very strong, and flows like a current in a river.
Her depiction of romantic relationships, particularly those subtextual slashy ones, benefits from this, as it enables her to effectively present two characters as deeply in love (or falling into it) without any unnecessary flourishes or sentimentality, and in a poetic manner rather than a purely prosaic one. Silences speak, and what isn\'t said is nevertheless presented through omission and nicely suggested. In this way, the reader is drawn ineluctably to simply believe what is placed before him or her. Check her work out, it is well worth it.
Reviewer: Lindelea Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 267 Score: 3
Dana taught me how to write drabbles in the first place, and after reading a number of hers, I know that I learned from one of the masters of the art. She has a way of building a mood, telling a complete tale in the space of an hundred words; of leaving you with the curious doubled feeling of both satisfaction, and wanting more.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 104 Score: 2
Dana is a superb author! Her sparse and lyrical style is elegant and hobbity at the same time, and she is a skilfull wordsmith.
Reviewer: Lindelea Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 140 Score: 2
Dana has a lyrical style, an economy of words, a master\'s touch at establishing mood and getting under the reader\'s skin, both satisfying and leaving you wanting more.