2006 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Genres: Adventure

Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Genres: Adventure Valid Characters: 683 Score: 6
Dreamflower has to be one of the most faithful mimics of Tolkien\'s style in [The Hobbit] I have ever read, and that\'s meant as a great compliment. She really nails the tone and style of that story for me, and in doing so, gives her characterizations, especially of hobbits, but also of Dwarves, Rangers, wizards, and Tom Bombadil, immediate resonance and credibility with the reader. We see the world through Dreamflower\'s Bilbo in a manner eerily similar to the way we see it through Tolkien\'s Bilbo. This stylistic mimicry makes her an extremely effective writer of gap-fillers. One can believe immediately that this is how it might have happened, if Tolkien had thought to show this part of the story. I can recommend her work to anyone who wants to revisit [The Hobbit] but in places and times Tolkien did not choose to write.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Genres: Adventure Valid Characters: 202 Score: 3
Dreamflower writes within an intricate and well developed universe. She is an enjoyable writer of every genre, but I do enjoy her more adventurous stories. No matter what the peril, her characters tackle it in a way appropriate to their race.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Genres: Adventure Valid Characters: 306 Score: 4
IIRC, I \'discovered\' Dreamflower during the MEFA\'s - can\'t remember which year - and she\'s another one who makes me *head in hands* because \"I don\'t read Hobbits\" .. well, except for ... LOL! She has an extraordinary attention to detail, not only in her description, but in the layers of canon, backstory and characterization that makes all of her works a delight to read.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Adventure Valid Characters: 139 Score: 2
Dreamflower writes hobbits well, keeping them light and cute but still giving them depth. Her writing develops relationships that seem to fit into the canon nicely.

Reviews for Genres: Drama

Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 139 Score: 2
Dreamflower writes hobbits well, keeping them light and cute but still giving them depth. Her writing develops relationships that seem to fit into the canon nicely.
Reviewer: Larner Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 71 Score: 1
I am so grateful to Dreamflower for introducing us to dribble poetry. A lovely piece.

Reviews for Genres: Non-Fiction

Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Non-Fiction Valid Characters: 139 Score: 2
Dreamflower writes hobbits well, keeping them light and cute but still giving them depth. Her writing develops relationships that seem to fit into the canon nicely.
Reviewer: pippinfan88 Category: Genres: Non-Fiction Valid Characters: 543 Score: 5
Dreamflower is yet another of my most favouritest authors in the fandom. Whether she knows it or not, she has inspired me just by her calibre of writing. I can immerse myself in her world of hobbits and feel completely safe that nothing is going to surprise me, lol, much. She has a brilliant way of creating the most beloved--and the most hated--original characters. There is always something brewing in her tales, lol. She has been instrumental in starting the Shire Kitchen. I honestly can\'t tell you how many recipes I\'ve gotten from her tales. She has an Essay series that she writes that I thoroughly enjoy time and time again. A very talented author!
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Non-Fiction Valid Characters: 1142 Score: 10
Writing essays about Tolkien?s works is not always that easy. Combining this with a useful piece of grammar and style use that is simply a piece an author cannot miss. Dreamflower\'s essay on using expletives is an example of a useful work every writer can apply in their own writing, but her more recent essay on ?the Shire calendar? is another gem as well. But Dreamflower has written more useful works, which can be used by starting hobbit writers or the seasoned ones. Works on hobbit ages, the validity of fanon in hobbit fanfic? and many more are simply a useful tool for everyone, but specifically for the hobbit writers community. Most of her essays start out as a post in livejournal, and Dreamflower discusses her work openly with the readers, improving or explaining things further where she can. With that, she has a good eye on what author?s need when writing their hobbit material and I have her essays bookmarked as a reference tool when I need them. But with her thorough study on expletives and how they are used in two works of the professor, she simply leaves me in awe. Going through two works is an incredible task and although I wished she included UT and the Silm as well for a full scope, I can imagine that she stopped with these two. Thank you for all your work and sharing your (most often) hobbit centric essays with us: you make many writers incredibly happy with them!

Reviews for Races: Hobbits

Reviewer: Larner Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 170 Score: 3
Usually Dreamflower\'s short stories are quite humorous, or just plain pleasant to read. But in \"Reaping\" she shows she is also able to effectively write angst and action, and do it very, very well indeed.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 139 Score: 2
Dreamflower writes hobbits well, keeping them light and cute but still giving them depth. Her writing develops relationships that seem to fit into the canon nicely.
Reviewer: Pearl Took Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 205 Score: 3
Dreamflower is a master author. She knows Middle Earth and it\'s hobbity residents extremely well. Her stories have wonderful flow and pacing. You feel like you\'re there. Plus, she is a great encourager of other writers. Thank you, Dreamflower!
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 314 Score: 4
Dreamflower has created a wonderful universe, and I enjoy all of her stories! I reread her work often, especially those stories taking place within the Shire. I absolutely love the intensely close relationship that she depicts as existing between Merry, Pippin, and Frodo! Her hobbits and their society are wonderfully written, and so is every other character, canon or OC.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 306 Score: 4
IIRC, I \'discovered\' Dreamflower during the MEFA\'s - can\'t remember which year - and she\'s another one who makes me *head in hands* because \"I don\'t read Hobbits\" .. well, except for ... LOL! She has an extraordinary attention to detail, not only in her description, but in the layers of canon, backstory and characterization that makes all of her works a delight to read.
Reviewer: Lindelea Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 286 Score: 3
Dreamflower is one of those authors who can draw me into a story so that I lose all track of time and place and pressing events. (Burned dinner, anyone?) Careful research, meticulous attention to detail, marvellous description, well-drawn characters and relationships; these and more characterise her stories and make me want to read more.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 239 Score: 3
Dreamflower deftly holds the balance between showing a peaceful Shire and showing real conflict in the society, and how such conflicts may be resolved - with all the attendant problems. She captures the canonical characters well, as well as creating believable original characters.

Reviews for Times: Late Third Age

Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 683 Score: 6
Dreamflower has to be one of the most faithful mimics of Tolkien\'s style in [The Hobbit] I have ever read, and that\'s meant as a great compliment. She really nails the tone and style of that story for me, and in doing so, gives her characterizations, especially of hobbits, but also of Dwarves, Rangers, wizards, and Tom Bombadil, immediate resonance and credibility with the reader. We see the world through Dreamflower\'s Bilbo in a manner eerily similar to the way we see it through Tolkien\'s Bilbo. This stylistic mimicry makes her an extremely effective writer of gap-fillers. One can believe immediately that this is how it might have happened, if Tolkien had thought to show this part of the story. I can recommend her work to anyone who wants to revisit [The Hobbit] but in places and times Tolkien did not choose to write.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 306 Score: 4
IIRC, I \'discovered\' Dreamflower during the MEFA\'s - can\'t remember which year - and she\'s another one who makes me *head in hands* because \"I don\'t read Hobbits\" .. well, except for ... LOL! She has an extraordinary attention to detail, not only in her description, but in the layers of canon, backstory and characterization that makes all of her works a delight to read.
Reviewer: Larner Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 277 Score: 3
Dreamflower\'s writing in the story \"A Merry Old Inn\" is most unusual, much following Tolkien\'s own writing style in much of The Hobbit. It\'s a departure from her usual writing, but a worthy one. Certainly she has, as usually is true, to capture my imagination and empathize with Bilbo as he enjoys a night spent perhaps a bit too merry.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 239 Score: 3
Dreamflower deftly holds the balance between showing a peaceful Shire and showing real conflict in the society, and how such conflicts may be resolved - with all the attendant problems. She captures the canonical characters well, as well as creating believable original characters.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 139 Score: 2
Dreamflower writes hobbits well, keeping them light and cute but still giving them depth. Her writing develops relationships that seem to fit into the canon nicely.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 449 Score: 4
Dreamflower has created a complex and enjoyable society for her hobbits. I love the way that each tale fits in with the others, giving the reader the pleasure of immersing themselves in her wonderful and familiar universe that never fails to please. Her hobbits are fantastic, the characterisations of Merry and Pippin and their bond especially. She writes the non-hobbit members of the Fellowship and her OC\'s skilfully, and her plots are involved and believable. Dreamflower also gives a great deal of her time helping other authors.

Reviews for Times: The Great Years

Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 139 Score: 2
Dreamflower writes hobbits well, keeping them light and cute but still giving them depth. Her writing develops relationships that seem to fit into the canon nicely.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 139 Score: 2
Dreamflower writes hobbits well, keeping them light and cute but still giving them depth. Her writing develops relationships that seem to fit into the canon nicely.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 683 Score: 6
Dreamflower has to be one of the most faithful mimics of Tolkien\'s style in [The Hobbit] I have ever read, and that\'s meant as a great compliment. She really nails the tone and style of that story for me, and in doing so, gives her characterizations, especially of hobbits, but also of Dwarves, Rangers, wizards, and Tom Bombadil, immediate resonance and credibility with the reader. We see the world through Dreamflower\'s Bilbo in a manner eerily similar to the way we see it through Tolkien\'s Bilbo. This stylistic mimicry makes her an extremely effective writer of gap-fillers. One can believe immediately that this is how it might have happened, if Tolkien had thought to show this part of the story. I can recommend her work to anyone who wants to revisit [The Hobbit] but in places and times Tolkien did not choose to write.
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