2006 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Genres: Alternate Universe

Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Genres: Alternate Universe Valid Characters: 674 Score: 6
EdorasLass is a character writer--characterization is her strength, and she shows herself capable of writing both adults and children, in a variety of different moods. She really captures the emotional tone, the insecurities and the high points, the petty childishness where appropriate and its resolutions, defensiveness, and all such moods as may be called for. She also knows how to generate suspense, even when we know already how the story will resolve itself in a gap-filler, which takes some work and talent! Her alternate universe scenarios, whether they are slight modifications to allow some greater sense of closure, or else more radical breaks, are very well done and take good advantage of the AU form, and again let her show off her skills in characterizing various canonical characters.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Genres: Alternate Universe Valid Characters: 243 Score: 3
For fans of the House of H?rin, these stories are a delight: from the funny squabble between brothers over a stuffed toy, to a chilling, haunting AU-look into Denethor\'s last, fever-riddled thoughts - characters, mood, pace and tone are captured perfectly, tailored to the individual story.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Genres: Alternate Universe Valid Characters: 154 Score: 3
EdorasLass has a real talent for writing engaging stories. I have only recently discovered her PonyVerse and am just enchanted with the way she has captured young Boromir and Faramir.
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Genres: Alternate Universe Valid Characters: 377 Score: 4
EdorasLass is one of the most consistently entertaining storytellers I know, with a most versatile literary repertoire - heart-rending AU stories, a light slash vignette, a melancholy story of a mother visiting the sleeping sons she know will lose her too soon, and the wonderful tales of the brothers \'Mir as children. She knows how to vary the style, tone, and pacing of each story to suit her purpose, and her characterisation is usually excellent.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Alternate Universe Valid Characters: 1297 Score: 10
Edoras Lass is another one of those authors that has developed a compelling subworld around the canonical facts we know about Gondor and Rohan. There are customs and cultural expectations that seem reasonable even though Tolkien never specified them, and they enrich the characters\' lives and the corners of canon that Tolkien never filled in. Her original character Nanny is a good example. In \"Mine\" we see her patience and unfaltering commonsensical wisdom when it comes to dealing with a child as difficult as Boromir must have been. And in \"Quality Time\" there\'s a glimpse of her dealing with the equally difficult man Denethor. She\'s a compelling character and provides a unique window into Denethor\'s world. But then there are the canonical characters. Her characterizations are always convincing but feel fresh. She adds to and builds on what Tolkien told us, but in a way that feels true to Middle-earth. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in the way Faramir reacts to his father\'s infirmity in \"Come When You Are Ready\". The nauseating physical details are only too clearly told, but the way Faramir deals with them is so in-character! He does not flinch, does not shy away, but he is not untouched by the gore. And Denethor as well is touchingly portrayed: bound by duty to his family and to Gondor, cunning in the way he tries to piece together the mystery. EL is a great author if you like one-shots and shorts that develop the canon in a convincing way but aren\'t afraid to add on. Her stories are refreshingly fresh yet still feel Tolkienesque.

Reviews for Genres: Drama

Reviewer: annmarwalk Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 1085 Score: 10
I?m always a bit stunned by how effortlessly you seem to change from the author of the lighthearted Bitty stories, to the woman who coolly gives us both the horrific NotQuiteDead!Denethor of ?Come When You Are Ready? and NotAltogetherAlive!Finduilas of ?Do Not Think Me A Dream?. It?s quite indicative of your skill and imagination that you so deftly take on these personas, intuit their tales with compassion and grace, and pass them on to us. All your writing is a feast to read, but your erotica is sublime ? subtle, understated, yet conveying such heat and passion that it takes my breath away. Even your drabbles, such as ?Following Orders?, are startlingly original, precise, and pack a wallop either by characterization, or dialogue, or just the awesomeness of your premise. The original or unexplored canon characters you?ve given us - Theodred, Imriel, Randir, Nanny ? are living, breathing, people with full lives that existed outside the story. Their lives will continue when the story is done, even if we are not there to see it. Does this make sense? Let me try it another way: it?s not as if they are minor characters, plucked out of nowhere to exist for a few hundred words on a page. They are real people, taking time out of their busy lives to talk to us. Thank you for finding them so we could meet and hear them.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 154 Score: 3
EdorasLass has a real talent for writing engaging stories. I have only recently discovered her PonyVerse and am just enchanted with the way she has captured young Boromir and Faramir.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 674 Score: 6
EdorasLass is a character writer--characterization is her strength, and she shows herself capable of writing both adults and children, in a variety of different moods. She really captures the emotional tone, the insecurities and the high points, the petty childishness where appropriate and its resolutions, defensiveness, and all such moods as may be called for. She also knows how to generate suspense, even when we know already how the story will resolve itself in a gap-filler, which takes some work and talent! Her alternate universe scenarios, whether they are slight modifications to allow some greater sense of closure, or else more radical breaks, are very well done and take good advantage of the AU form, and again let her show off her skills in characterizing various canonical characters.
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 377 Score: 4
EdorasLass is one of the most consistently entertaining storytellers I know, with a most versatile literary repertoire - heart-rending AU stories, a light slash vignette, a melancholy story of a mother visiting the sleeping sons she know will lose her too soon, and the wonderful tales of the brothers \'Mir as children. She knows how to vary the style, tone, and pacing of each story to suit her purpose, and her characterisation is usually excellent.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 1297 Score: 10
Edoras Lass is another one of those authors that has developed a compelling subworld around the canonical facts we know about Gondor and Rohan. There are customs and cultural expectations that seem reasonable even though Tolkien never specified them, and they enrich the characters\' lives and the corners of canon that Tolkien never filled in. Her original character Nanny is a good example. In \"Mine\" we see her patience and unfaltering commonsensical wisdom when it comes to dealing with a child as difficult as Boromir must have been. And in \"Quality Time\" there\'s a glimpse of her dealing with the equally difficult man Denethor. She\'s a compelling character and provides a unique window into Denethor\'s world. But then there are the canonical characters. Her characterizations are always convincing but feel fresh. She adds to and builds on what Tolkien told us, but in a way that feels true to Middle-earth. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in the way Faramir reacts to his father\'s infirmity in \"Come When You Are Ready\". The nauseating physical details are only too clearly told, but the way Faramir deals with them is so in-character! He does not flinch, does not shy away, but he is not untouched by the gore. And Denethor as well is touchingly portrayed: bound by duty to his family and to Gondor, cunning in the way he tries to piece together the mystery. EL is a great author if you like one-shots and shorts that develop the canon in a convincing way but aren\'t afraid to add on. Her stories are refreshingly fresh yet still feel Tolkienesque.

Reviews for Genres: Humor

Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 377 Score: 4
EdorasLass is one of the most consistently entertaining storytellers I know, with a most versatile literary repertoire - heart-rending AU stories, a light slash vignette, a melancholy story of a mother visiting the sleeping sons she know will lose her too soon, and the wonderful tales of the brothers \'Mir as children. She knows how to vary the style, tone, and pacing of each story to suit her purpose, and her characterisation is usually excellent.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 154 Score: 3
EdorasLass has a real talent for writing engaging stories. I have only recently discovered her PonyVerse and am just enchanted with the way she has captured young Boromir and Faramir.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 1297 Score: 10
Edoras Lass is another one of those authors that has developed a compelling subworld around the canonical facts we know about Gondor and Rohan. There are customs and cultural expectations that seem reasonable even though Tolkien never specified them, and they enrich the characters\' lives and the corners of canon that Tolkien never filled in. Her original character Nanny is a good example. In \"Mine\" we see her patience and unfaltering commonsensical wisdom when it comes to dealing with a child as difficult as Boromir must have been. And in \"Quality Time\" there\'s a glimpse of her dealing with the equally difficult man Denethor. She\'s a compelling character and provides a unique window into Denethor\'s world. But then there are the canonical characters. Her characterizations are always convincing but feel fresh. She adds to and builds on what Tolkien told us, but in a way that feels true to Middle-earth. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in the way Faramir reacts to his father\'s infirmity in \"Come When You Are Ready\". The nauseating physical details are only too clearly told, but the way Faramir deals with them is so in-character! He does not flinch, does not shy away, but he is not untouched by the gore. And Denethor as well is touchingly portrayed: bound by duty to his family and to Gondor, cunning in the way he tries to piece together the mystery. EL is a great author if you like one-shots and shorts that develop the canon in a convincing way but aren\'t afraid to add on. Her stories are refreshingly fresh yet still feel Tolkienesque.
Reviewer: annmarwalk Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 2077 Score: 10
Nobody, but nobody, writes little Boromir and Faramir with such wit, affection, and absolute truth as Edoraslass! It?s quite clear she has many years of experience in working with young children; she understands their sometimes convoluted thought processes, their delights and fears and interesting way with language. In terms of her ?bitties?, Boromir and Faramir, Edoraslass demonstrates tremendous insight, working backwards from the adult characters we know and love to show us how their childhoods shaped them. Boromir is adored, indulged, yet learns quickly to accept and protect his younger brother (even while sometimes outraged by his actions). Faramir is, interestingly, not drawn as overly shy or withdrawn, just developing at his own pace (while listening carefully and absorbing everything). The clashes between the two youngsters are splendid and vivid and very, very true to life; but the strength of their devotion to each other is always shining through. Another delightful aspect of Edoraslass?s writing is her incredible attention to detail. Every element in a story, whether it be a stuffed pony, a leather belt pouch, or a second course at a banquet, is described perfectly, without the description being intrusive to the story- it?s as if each item has its own embedded history, which we absorb just by the fact that the item is there. Dialogue ? did I mention her skill with dialog? Some of the conversations between the bitties just make me laugh out loud for joy ? they?re the kinds of things my own children would have said, only better In addition to the expert characterization of the bitties, the Nanny herself is quite well drawn. Throughout Edoraslass?s full body of Bitty stories (posted at Stories of Arda as ?Under My Wing?) we get small hints of Nanny?s own story, and how she came to develop the wealth of humor, understanding, and skill that will enable her to raise those boys to become the men we love. Professionally, Nanny is strong without being overbearing, loving without being overly indulgent; personally, she is just a bit shy of her citadel co-workers, nervous of life in the City, and a bit intimidated by the fearsome Denethor. The manner in which she conquers her fears and earns her lord?s respect is both realistic and inspiring. (I?m submitting this review under the ?Humor? category because, well, life with children is mostly humor, with moments of drama and adventure. Though sometimes child-rearing does seem like an Alternate Universe, too.)
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 243 Score: 3
For fans of the House of H?rin, these stories are a delight: from the funny squabble between brothers over a stuffed toy, to a chilling, haunting AU-look into Denethor\'s last, fever-riddled thoughts - characters, mood, pace and tone are captured perfectly, tailored to the individual story.

Reviews for Races: Men

Reviewer: Larner Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 134 Score: 2
Few can help me appreciate the characters of Boromir, Faramir, and Eowyn than does EdorasLass. Her writing is beautiful and her characterizations revealing.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 1297 Score: 10
Edoras Lass is another one of those authors that has developed a compelling subworld around the canonical facts we know about Gondor and Rohan. There are customs and cultural expectations that seem reasonable even though Tolkien never specified them, and they enrich the characters\' lives and the corners of canon that Tolkien never filled in. Her original character Nanny is a good example. In \"Mine\" we see her patience and unfaltering commonsensical wisdom when it comes to dealing with a child as difficult as Boromir must have been. And in \"Quality Time\" there\'s a glimpse of her dealing with the equally difficult man Denethor. She\'s a compelling character and provides a unique window into Denethor\'s world. But then there are the canonical characters. Her characterizations are always convincing but feel fresh. She adds to and builds on what Tolkien told us, but in a way that feels true to Middle-earth. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in the way Faramir reacts to his father\'s infirmity in \"Come When You Are Ready\". The nauseating physical details are only too clearly told, but the way Faramir deals with them is so in-character! He does not flinch, does not shy away, but he is not untouched by the gore. And Denethor as well is touchingly portrayed: bound by duty to his family and to Gondor, cunning in the way he tries to piece together the mystery. EL is a great author if you like one-shots and shorts that develop the canon in a convincing way but aren\'t afraid to add on. Her stories are refreshingly fresh yet still feel Tolkienesque.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 243 Score: 3
For fans of the House of H?rin, these stories are a delight: from the funny squabble between brothers over a stuffed toy, to a chilling, haunting AU-look into Denethor\'s last, fever-riddled thoughts - characters, mood, pace and tone are captured perfectly, tailored to the individual story.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 674 Score: 6
EdorasLass is a character writer--characterization is her strength, and she shows herself capable of writing both adults and children, in a variety of different moods. She really captures the emotional tone, the insecurities and the high points, the petty childishness where appropriate and its resolutions, defensiveness, and all such moods as may be called for. She also knows how to generate suspense, even when we know already how the story will resolve itself in a gap-filler, which takes some work and talent! Her alternate universe scenarios, whether they are slight modifications to allow some greater sense of closure, or else more radical breaks, are very well done and take good advantage of the AU form, and again let her show off her skills in characterizing various canonical characters.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 149 Score: 2
EdorasLass has a real talent for writing engaging stories. I have only recently discovered her PonyVerse and am just enchanted with the way she has captured Boromir and Faramir.

Reviews for Times: The Great Years

Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 1297 Score: 10
Edoras Lass is another one of those authors that has developed a compelling subworld around the canonical facts we know about Gondor and Rohan. There are customs and cultural expectations that seem reasonable even though Tolkien never specified them, and they enrich the characters\' lives and the corners of canon that Tolkien never filled in. Her original character Nanny is a good example. In \"Mine\" we see her patience and unfaltering commonsensical wisdom when it comes to dealing with a child as difficult as Boromir must have been. And in \"Quality Time\" there\'s a glimpse of her dealing with the equally difficult man Denethor. She\'s a compelling character and provides a unique window into Denethor\'s world. But then there are the canonical characters. Her characterizations are always convincing but feel fresh. She adds to and builds on what Tolkien told us, but in a way that feels true to Middle-earth. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in the way Faramir reacts to his father\'s infirmity in \"Come When You Are Ready\". The nauseating physical details are only too clearly told, but the way Faramir deals with them is so in-character! He does not flinch, does not shy away, but he is not untouched by the gore. And Denethor as well is touchingly portrayed: bound by duty to his family and to Gondor, cunning in the way he tries to piece together the mystery. EL is a great author if you like one-shots and shorts that develop the canon in a convincing way but aren\'t afraid to add on. Her stories are refreshingly fresh yet still feel Tolkienesque.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 674 Score: 6
EdorasLass is a character writer--characterization is her strength, and she shows herself capable of writing both adults and children, in a variety of different moods. She really captures the emotional tone, the insecurities and the high points, the petty childishness where appropriate and its resolutions, defensiveness, and all such moods as may be called for. She also knows how to generate suspense, even when we know already how the story will resolve itself in a gap-filler, which takes some work and talent! Her alternate universe scenarios, whether they are slight modifications to allow some greater sense of closure, or else more radical breaks, are very well done and take good advantage of the AU form, and again let her show off her skills in characterizing various canonical characters.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 67 Score: 1
EdorasLass has a real talent for writing engaging stories no matter the length.
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