2004 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Elves: Drabble

Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Elves: Drabble
Stories: Strange to Us
In just those few words, she brought so much more depth to that little quote.

Reviews for Humor

Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Humor
Stories: No Living Man
Elana demonstrates some terrific wordplay and a great senses of timing in pulling together all those non-men, non-living creatures who happened to be in the vicinity. Or merely in the same world.
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Humor
Stories: No Living Man
Elana did a fine job with a silly little story! I knew she could write drabbles, now I know she can write humor, too.

Reviews for Lord of the Rings: Drabble

Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Lord of the Rings: Drabble
Stories: That Which is Fairest
Elana is someone I know best from her drabbles. I got one for a birthday challenge (also in these awards) and loved it. She really has a talent for this short form.
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