2005 Author Reviews for
Elen Kortirion
Reviews for Races/Places: Gondor
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Races/Places: Gondor Valid Characters: 552 Score: 6
Elen Kortirion does a brilliant job with metaphor in the poem "Forlorn Hope." This metaphor is bright and vibrant, creating pictures, sounds, and emotions in the mind. The words chosen are words that have emotional connotations, which increases the impact of the poem and is a very shrewd writing technique. But perhaps Elen's best use of the metaphor is the way that they are used in extremes. Light and dark, silence and noise, they're contrasted against each other and the contrasts bring out more emotions from things that already have associations to other emotions. Very nice writing style, and very good technique for drawing out emotions during an emotional time.