2006 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Times: The Great Years

Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 594 Score: 5
Although she has but one story entered into MEFAs this year, Forodwaith continues in a tradition of giving solid characterizations and explorations of Arwen. Familiarity with others of her stories shows that she has a good sense for depicting minor characters and drawing out their motives, the patterns and textures of their experience. Her style is understated--no flights of excess here, but a certain quietness that nonetheless can convey a great deal of emotion. She tends to use juxtaposed elements to draw things out--mortality and immortality, success and failure, the slow movements of elven time suddenly confronted with the speed of mortal years, debt and release. Well worth the read, always!
Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 283 Score: 3
Forodwaith seems to have really gotten into Arwen\'s mindset. In all of her stories about that character Arwen comes off exactly as I imagine her: wise but not completely above doubt. It\'s a hard mindset to write but I think Forodwaith pulls it off. She\'s certainly enhanced my appreciation of what was always a somewhat enigmatic character.
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