2006 Author Reviews for
Gandalfs apprentice
Reviews for Genres: Drama
Reviewer: Linda Hoyland Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 186 Score: 3
I loved this unusual drabble told from the point of view of Shadowfax. The noble steed is not happy at first to be ridden, but what horse can resist Gandalf who charms the noble stallion and eventually hails him as his brother.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 323 Score: 4
Gandalfs Apprentice can always make me lap with the matter-of-fact streak she brings to her humor. I can just see her characters with a very deadpan expression on their faces as they deliver the lines she gives them. Even in her more serious works, the slightly funny quality is still under the surface. You just know that her characters thoroughly enjoy life, and that makes for a fun read.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 323 Score: 4
Gandalfs Apprentice can always make me lap with the matter-of-fact streak she brings to her humor. I can just see her characters with a very deadpan expression on their faces as they deliver the lines she gives them. Even in her more serious works, the slightly funny quality is still under the surface. You just know that her characters thoroughly enjoy life, and that makes for a fun read.
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 436 Score: 4
Gandalf\'s Apprentice\'s forte is humor, in shades ranging from sly to full-out funny. Yet she can also write intense stories that sting with understated pathos, such as the wonderful vignette [King\'s Man]. She has an excellent range for characterisation, such as Gandalf as seen through the eyes of a proud, wary Mearh, Gimli\'s fond but exasperated POV of Legolas, and the quiet interplay of old friends Aragorn and Halbarad. And she also handles sensuality and sexuality with an easy charm that is pleasant and convincing.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 493 Score: 5
Hm, what to say about GA\'s work? ...what not to say? :) She\'s taken many hours of my life and kept me sitting and reading instead of doing laundry or dishes - kudos to her for that!
I stumbled onto one of her stories, quite innocently, not knowing what I was in for. Her writing is clear and concise, her deeply layered characterizations mesh wonderfully with what I have in my mind after reading JRRT\'s original works. I first read her some of her humor works, but have since learned that there isn\'t much of anything she writes that I don\'t enjoy on several levels, be it action, drama, humor or even AU.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 493 Score: 5
Hm, what to say about GA\'s work? ...what not to say? :) She\'s taken many hours of my life and kept me sitting and reading instead of doing laundry or dishes - kudos to her for that!
I stumbled onto one of her stories, quite innocently, not knowing what I was in for. Her writing is clear and concise, her deeply layered characterizations mesh wonderfully with what I have in my mind after reading JRRT\'s original works. I first read her some of her humor works, but have since learned that there isn\'t much of anything she writes that I don\'t enjoy on several levels, be it action, drama, humor or even AU.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 291 Score: 3
Although I usually look to Gandalf\'s Apprentice for stories featuring men, she has done some interesting character pieces about other characters. She can write both the humorous and the serious, and can squeeze some memorable images and ideas into a very short space when necessary. Her Legolas-Gimli interactions are particularly memorable.
Reviews for Genres: Humor
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 340 Score: 4
Oh, I really wished I had more time to read all of Gandalf?s apprentice works that are nominated for the MEFA?s. So far, I have read just a fraction of her works, and most of those were parodies or another story fitting in the humour category. Yet, her Celebrimbor piece shows she can write more than humour alone, so I hope that the coming time I will be spending more time in exploring her broad variation in stories.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 190 Score: 3
One strength of Gandalf\'s Apprentice is her use of humour. It can be both wicked and laugh-out-funny, or subtle, satiric and clever, especially in her excellent handling of dialogues, and in succinct details of descriptions.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 323 Score: 4
Gandalfs Apprentice can always make me lap with the matter-of-fact streak she brings to her humor. I can just see her characters with a very deadpan expression on their faces as they deliver the lines she gives them. Even in her more serious works, the slightly funny quality is still under the surface. You just know that her characters thoroughly enjoy life, and that makes for a fun read.
Reviewer: Oshun Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 1063 Score: 10
Gandalfs_apprentice has a wide range, but her true obsession is writing about seriously about Aragorn. But she also excels at comedy, her best is this genre is a post-Ring War story that approaches how Jane Austen might have written Tolkien. Gossip, match-making, misunderstanding, and unsolicited opinions abound. The tale telling and speculation about both Thorongil and Aragorn (first, as individuals and, after a shocking-to-some revelation, as one and same) are priceless and hilarious. One of the things that makes this story different is that it is simultaneously wildly funny and thought-provoking.
This is a comedy of manners with a solid core of serious observations. In this case, she does extremely well at giving us Aragorn through Faramir?s eyes. I love that idea and it is executed perfectly here. The story is carefully crafted, a pleasure to read, and is able to deal in an appropriately (in relation to the genre of the story) light tone with difficult and painful subjects?Denethor, for example. There is no joking about him. But while staying completely within the context and tone the author has chosen, Faramir is able to somewhat integrate his understanding of this still raw subject.
Canon characters are accurately and sensitively portrayed .
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 515 Score: 5
Gandalf\'s Apprentice is making a niche for herself when it comes to characterizing Aragorn, in his various guises. This means there\'s a need to develop some context for him, and slowly, over the course of numerous short stories, and one longer WiP I\'m aware of, she\'s filling in the interpersonal blanks. Halbarad, Arwen, the other D?nedain, Glorfindel, Elrond and others acquire personalities, and we begin to get a composite of influences that help shape the man who would be king. It has been a pleasure to watch her story-telling evolve over the past year, and with it, her depictions of our mutual favorite Ranger.
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 436 Score: 4
Gandalf\'s Apprentice\'s forte is humor, in shades ranging from sly to full-out funny. Yet she can also write intense stories that sting with understated pathos, such as the wonderful vignette [King\'s Man]. She has an excellent range for characterisation, such as Gandalf as seen through the eyes of a proud, wary Mearh, Gimli\'s fond but exasperated POV of Legolas, and the quiet interplay of old friends Aragorn and Halbarad. And she also handles sensuality and sexuality with an easy charm that is pleasant and convincing.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 493 Score: 5
Hm, what to say about GA\'s work? ...what not to say? :) She\'s taken many hours of my life and kept me sitting and reading instead of doing laundry or dishes - kudos to her for that!
I stumbled onto one of her stories, quite innocently, not knowing what I was in for. Her writing is clear and concise, her deeply layered characterizations mesh wonderfully with what I have in my mind after reading JRRT\'s original works. I first read her some of her humor works, but have since learned that there isn\'t much of anything she writes that I don\'t enjoy on several levels, be it action, drama, humor or even AU.
Reviews for Genres: Romance
Reviewer: Larner Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 156 Score: 3
Gandalf\'s Apprentice is able to say so much so succinctly, and has managed to communicate the love between Aragorn and Arwen most satisfactorily. Wonderful imagery I\'ve been left with.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 323 Score: 4
Gandalfs Apprentice can always make me lap with the matter-of-fact streak she brings to her humor. I can just see her characters with a very deadpan expression on their faces as they deliver the lines she gives them. Even in her more serious works, the slightly funny quality is still under the surface. You just know that her characters thoroughly enjoy life, and that makes for a fun read.
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 436 Score: 4
Gandalf\'s Apprentice\'s forte is humor, in shades ranging from sly to full-out funny. Yet she can also write intense stories that sting with understated pathos, such as the wonderful vignette [King\'s Man]. She has an excellent range for characterisation, such as Gandalf as seen through the eyes of a proud, wary Mearh, Gimli\'s fond but exasperated POV of Legolas, and the quiet interplay of old friends Aragorn and Halbarad. And she also handles sensuality and sexuality with an easy charm that is pleasant and convincing.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 190 Score: 3
One strength of Gandalf\'s Apprentice is her use of humour. It can be both wicked and laugh-out-funny, or subtle, satiric and clever, especially in her excellent handling of dialogues, and in succinct details of descriptions.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 493 Score: 5
Hm, what to say about GA\'s work? ...what not to say? :) She\'s taken many hours of my life and kept me sitting and reading instead of doing laundry or dishes - kudos to her for that!
I stumbled onto one of her stories, quite innocently, not knowing what I was in for. Her writing is clear and concise, her deeply layered characterizations mesh wonderfully with what I have in my mind after reading JRRT\'s original works. I first read her some of her humor works, but have since learned that there isn\'t much of anything she writes that I don\'t enjoy on several levels, be it action, drama, humor or even AU.
Reviews for Races: Cross-Cultural
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 103 Score: 2
Gandalfs apprentice is very astute when it comes to cultural differences, and I always enjoy the originality of her plots!
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 340 Score: 4
Oh, I really wished I had more time to read all of Gandalf?s apprentice works that are nominated for the MEFA?s. So far, I have read just a fraction of her works, and most of those were parodies or another story fitting in the humour category. Yet, her Celebrimbor piece shows she can write more than humour alone, so I hope that the coming time I will be spending more time in exploring her broad variation in stories.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 323 Score: 4
Gandalfs Apprentice can always make me lap with the matter-of-fact streak she brings to her humor. I can just see her characters with a very deadpan expression on their faces as they deliver the lines she gives them. Even in her more serious works, the slightly funny quality is still under the surface. You just know that her characters thoroughly enjoy life, and that makes for a fun read.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 323 Score: 4
Gandalfs Apprentice can always make me lap with the matter-of-fact streak she brings to her humor. I can just see her characters with a very deadpan expression on their faces as they deliver the lines she gives them. Even in her more serious works, the slightly funny quality is still under the surface. You just know that her characters thoroughly enjoy life, and that makes for a fun read.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 190 Score: 3
One strength of Gandalf\'s Apprentice is her use of humour. It can be both wicked and laugh-out-funny, or subtle, satiric and clever, especially in her excellent handling of dialogues, and in succinct details of descriptions.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 493 Score: 5
Hm, what to say about GA\'s work? ...what not to say? :) She\'s taken many hours of my life and kept me sitting and reading instead of doing laundry or dishes - kudos to her for that!
I stumbled onto one of her stories, quite innocently, not knowing what I was in for. Her writing is clear and concise, her deeply layered characterizations mesh wonderfully with what I have in my mind after reading JRRT\'s original works. I first read her some of her humor works, but have since learned that there isn\'t much of anything she writes that I don\'t enjoy on several levels, be it action, drama, humor or even AU.
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 436 Score: 4
Gandalf\'s Apprentice\'s forte is humor, in shades ranging from sly to full-out funny. Yet she can also write intense stories that sting with understated pathos, such as the wonderful vignette [King\'s Man]. She has an excellent range for characterisation, such as Gandalf as seen through the eyes of a proud, wary Mearh, Gimli\'s fond but exasperated POV of Legolas, and the quiet interplay of old friends Aragorn and Halbarad. And she also handles sensuality and sexuality with an easy charm that is pleasant and convincing.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 493 Score: 5
Hm, what to say about GA\'s work? ...what not to say? :) She\'s taken many hours of my life and kept me sitting and reading instead of doing laundry or dishes - kudos to her for that!
I stumbled onto one of her stories, quite innocently, not knowing what I was in for. Her writing is clear and concise, her deeply layered characterizations mesh wonderfully with what I have in my mind after reading JRRT\'s original works. I first read her some of her humor works, but have since learned that there isn\'t much of anything she writes that I don\'t enjoy on several levels, be it action, drama, humor or even AU.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 291 Score: 3
Although I usually look to Gandalf\'s Apprentice for stories featuring men, she has done some interesting character pieces about other characters. She can write both the humorous and the serious, and can squeeze some memorable images and ideas into a very short space when necessary. Her Legolas-Gimli interactions are particularly memorable.
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 377 Score: 4
Oh, I really wished I had more time to read all of Gandalf?s apprentice works that are nominated for the MEFA?s. So far, I have read just a fraction of her works, and most of those were parodies or another story fitting in the humour category. Her Bilbo for example is simply delightful! Yet, her Celebrimbor piece shows she can write more than humour alone, so I hope that the coming time I will be spending more time in exploring her broad variation in stories.
Reviews for Races: Elves
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Races: Elves Valid Characters: 493 Score: 5
Hm, what to say about GA\'s work? ...what not to say? :) She\'s taken many hours of my life and kept me sitting and reading instead of doing laundry or dishes - kudos to her for that!
I stumbled onto one of her stories, quite innocently, not knowing what I was in for. Her writing is clear and concise, her deeply layered characterizations mesh wonderfully with what I have in my mind after reading JRRT\'s original works. I first read her some of her humor works, but have since learned that there isn\'t much of anything she writes that I don\'t enjoy on several levels, be it action, drama, humor or even AU.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Races: Elves Valid Characters: 291 Score: 3
Although I usually look to Gandalf\'s Apprentice for stories featuring men, she has done some interesting character pieces about other characters. She can write both the humorous and the serious, and can squeeze some memorable images and ideas into a very short space when necessary. Her Legolas-Gimli interactions are particularly memorable.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Elves Valid Characters: 323 Score: 4
Gandalfs Apprentice can always make me lap with the matter-of-fact streak she brings to her humor. I can just see her characters with a very deadpan expression on their faces as they deliver the lines she gives them. Even in her more serious works, the slightly funny quality is still under the surface. You just know that her characters thoroughly enjoy life, and that makes for a fun read.
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Races: Elves Valid Characters: 340 Score: 4
Oh, I really wished I had more time to read all of Gandalf?s apprentice works that are nominated for the MEFA?s. So far, I have read just a fraction of her works, and most of those were parodies or another story fitting in the humour category. Yet, her Celebrimbor piece shows she can write more than humour alone, so I hope that the coming time I will be spending more time in exploring her broad variation in stories.
Reviews for Races: Men
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 493 Score: 5
Hm, what to say about GA\'s work? ...what not to say? :) She\'s taken many hours of my life and kept me sitting and reading instead of doing laundry or dishes - kudos to her for that!
I stumbled onto one of her stories, quite innocently, not knowing what I was in for. Her writing is clear and concise, her deeply layered characterizations mesh wonderfully with what I have in my mind after reading JRRT\'s original works. I first read her some of her humor works, but have since learned that there isn\'t much of anything she writes that I don\'t enjoy on several levels, be it action, drama, humor or even AU.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 323 Score: 4
Gandalfs Apprentice can always make me lap with the matter-of-fact streak she brings to her humor. I can just see her characters with a very deadpan expression on their faces as they deliver the lines she gives them. Even in her more serious works, the slightly funny quality is still under the surface. You just know that her characters thoroughly enjoy life, and that makes for a fun read.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 515 Score: 5
Gandalf\'s Apprentice is making a niche for herself when it comes to characterizing Aragorn, in his various guises. This means there\'s a need to develop some context for him, and slowly, over the course of numerous short stories, and one longer WiP I\'m aware of, she\'s filling in the interpersonal blanks. Halbarad, Arwen, the other D?nedain, Glorfindel, Elrond and others acquire personalities, and we begin to get a composite of influences that help shape the man who would be king. It has been a pleasure to watch her story-telling evolve over the past year, and with it, her depictions of our mutual favorite Ranger.
Reviews for Times: The Great Years
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 436 Score: 4
Gandalf\'s Apprentice\'s forte is humor, in shades ranging from sly to full-out funny. Yet she can also write intense stories that sting with understated pathos, such as the wonderful vignette [King\'s Man]. She has an excellent range for characterisation, such as Gandalf as seen through the eyes of a proud, wary Mearh, Gimli\'s fond but exasperated POV of Legolas, and the quiet interplay of old friends Aragorn and Halbarad. And she also handles sensuality and sexuality with an easy charm that is pleasant and convincing.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 323 Score: 4
Gandalfs Apprentice can always make me lap with the matter-of-fact streak she brings to her humor. I can just see her characters with a very deadpan expression on their faces as they deliver the lines she gives them. Even in her more serious works, the slightly funny quality is still under the surface. You just know that her characters thoroughly enjoy life, and that makes for a fun read.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 493 Score: 5
Hm, what to say about GA\'s work? ...what not to say? :) She\'s taken many hours of my life and kept me sitting and reading instead of doing laundry or dishes - kudos to her for that!
I stumbled onto one of her stories, quite innocently, not knowing what I was in for. Her writing is clear and concise, her deeply layered characterizations mesh wonderfully with what I have in my mind after reading JRRT\'s original works. I first read her some of her humor works, but have since learned that there isn\'t much of anything she writes that I don\'t enjoy on several levels, be it action, drama, humor or even AU.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 515 Score: 5
Gandalf\'s Apprentice is making a niche for herself when it comes to characterizing Aragorn, in his various guises. This means there\'s a need to develop some context for him, and slowly, over the course of numerous short stories, and one longer WiP I\'m aware of, she\'s filling in the interpersonal blanks. Halbarad, Arwen, the other D?nedain, Glorfindel, Elrond and others acquire personalities, and we begin to get a composite of influences that help shape the man who would be king. It has been a pleasure to watch her story-telling evolve over the past year, and with it, her depictions of our mutual favorite Ranger.