2006 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Times: Early Third Age
Reviewer: dkpalaska Category: Times: Early Third Age Valid Characters: 1068 Score: 10
I think of Imhiriel as a master drabbler. Her super-short works are always well done, and oftentimes plainly brilliant for the amount of detail and subtext that they manage to convey in so few words. She has written a very wide variety of characters, places and times, and it says something about her skill that she can cover so much ground so competently.
Imhiriel sets up her scenes with just the right type and amount of hints required to convey the overall mood of the drabble. Every word and phrase is obviously chosen for an exact meaning or allusion. She can very deftly tie together different times and/or individuals, draw out similarities and differences, all while staying true to the drabble format.
Imhiriel does all this while pulling out some of the most obscure references from Tolkien\'s texts. Yet every time, I\'m left with a feeling of familiarity with these little-known events and nameless and/or faceless entities by the end of the drabble. More than once I\'ve looked at her author\'s notes, thinking, \"I don\'t even remember Tolkien writing that!\" and ended by digging out my books to refresh my memory about it. I know that I\'ll not think of the White Tree, or one of Gondor\'s Red Arrow riders, or King Bard of Esgaroth, or Farmer and Mrs. Maggot in the same way ever again!
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: Early Third Age Valid Characters: 231 Score: 3
Imhiriel is another of those authors who does snapshots--she seems to be specializing in fixed length stories, and she writes a variety of characters and situations, from both LOTR and the Silm. She\'s a solid writer who continues to grow, so look for more from her in the future.
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Times: Early Third Age Valid Characters: 442 Score: 4
Imhiriel is a relatively new, and quite promising, addition to the ranks of Tolkien fanfic writers. She is a skilled drabblist and writer of ficlets, able to evoke complex memories, beauty and emotion, or cultural/political implications, in just a few words. Like Tolkien, Imhiriel often imbues her description with incredible magic and grace. She can sketch a variety of different people, from earthy warriors and old women to High-Elves, and capture moments of their lives and pieces of their heart, with equal credibility.
Reviews for Times: First Age and Prior
Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 378 Score: 4
Imhiriel brings such a sense of humanity to the earlier ages. (Not in making the elves mortal, but in making the drama and the angst approachable for this modern reader). And her prose is always beautiful and displays a passion for finding just the right word to communicate an emotion that I think Tolkien would approve of. This is especially important in shorter pieces like drabbles, and it makes for a read that really appeals to my inner language geek.
Reviewer: Larner Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 127 Score: 2
To tell a tale convincingly so succinctly as can Imhiriel is a true gift. Her words are well chosen and her images vivid. It is a pleasure to read her works.
Reviewer: Larner Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 150 Score: 2
Imhiriel\'s drabbles are succinct and evocative, her writing very much to the point, and her subjects, mostly Dunedain and Elves fascinating. It\'s always a pleasure to read them.
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 418 Score: 4
Imhiriel is a relatively new, and quite promising, addition to the ranks of Tolkien fanfic writers. She is a skilled drabblist and writer of ficlets, able to evoke complex memories, beauty and emotion, in just a few words. Like Tolkien, Imhiriel often imbues her description with incredible magic and grace. She is bold enough to tackle Elves as well as Men in her short pieces, and succeeds in conveying the timeless beauty of the Elder Race.
I would like to see what Imhiriel can do with longer stories.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 378 Score: 4
Imhiriel brings such a sense of humanity to the earlier ages. (Not in making the elves mortal, but in making the drama and the angst approachable for this modern reader). And her prose is always beautiful and displays a passion for finding just the right word to communicate an emotion that I think Tolkien would approve of. This is especially important in shorter pieces like drabbles, and it makes for a read that really appeals to my inner language geek.
Reviewer: dkpalaska Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 1068 Score: 10
I think of Imhiriel as a master drabbler. Her super-short works are always well done, and oftentimes plainly brilliant for the amount of detail and subtext that they manage to convey in so few words. She has written a very wide variety of characters, places and times, and it says something about her skill that she can cover so much ground so competently.
Imhiriel sets up her scenes with just the right type and amount of hints required to convey the overall mood of the drabble. Every word and phrase is obviously chosen for an exact meaning or allusion. She can very deftly tie together different times and/or individuals, draw out similarities and differences, all while staying true to the drabble format.
Imhiriel does all this while pulling out some of the most obscure references from Tolkien\'s texts. Yet every time, I\'m left with a feeling of familiarity with these little-known events and nameless and/or faceless entities by the end of the drabble. More than once I\'ve looked at her author\'s notes, thinking, \"I don\'t even remember Tolkien writing that!\" and ended by digging out my books to refresh my memory about it. I know that I\'ll not think of the White Tree, or one of Gondor\'s Red Arrow riders, or King Bard of Esgaroth, or Farmer and Mrs. Maggot in the same way ever again!
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 231 Score: 3
Imhiriel is another of those authors who does snapshots--she seems to be specializing in fixed length stories, and she writes a variety of characters and situations, from both LOTR and the Silm. She\'s a solid writer who continues to grow, so look for more from her in the future.
Reviewer: dkpalaska Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 777 Score: 7
Imhiriel weaves together vivid descriptions of her stories? settings and enjoyable, believable characterizations with a quiet, beautiful prose. I appreciate that her canon characters always stay true to Tolkien\'s vision even as she places her own touch on them, whether they are the main protagonist or a minor player. She handles their emotions, dialogue and actions with a deft touch, and leaves me with a feeling of familiarity and care for each one of them.
In particular, I think that [\"Father and Daughter\"] exemplifies how well Imhiriel writes her lead character\'s \"voices.\" Finarfin sounds just like I would have expected from the little on him that Tolkien gives us: Strong, noble, trusting and trustworthy. His reaction to leaving his daughter behind - even in a loving husband\'s care - is moving and realistic. The author makes me ache for the pain he must have felt to have to return to Earwen without any of their children.
Reviews for Times: Late Third Age
Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 378 Score: 4
Imhiriel brings such a sense of humanity to the earlier ages. (Not in making the elves mortal, but in making the drama and the angst approachable for this modern reader). And her prose is always beautiful and displays a passion for finding just the right word to communicate an emotion that I think Tolkien would approve of. This is especially important in shorter pieces like drabbles, and it makes for a read that really appeals to my inner language geek.
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 281 Score: 3
Imhiriel is a recent and very promising addition to the ranks of Tolkien fanfic writers. She packs a wallop of sensory detail into 100-word drabbles, writes beautiful description, and her style is often reminiscent of Tolkien in its conveyence of beauty, grandeur and hints of magic.
I look forward to seeing more from her in the future.
Reviewer: dkpalaska Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 1068 Score: 10
I think of Imhiriel as a master drabbler. Her super-short works are always well done, and oftentimes plainly brilliant for the amount of detail and subtext that they manage to convey in so few words. She has written a very wide variety of characters, places and times, and it says something about her skill that she can cover so much ground so competently.
Imhiriel sets up her scenes with just the right type and amount of hints required to convey the overall mood of the drabble. Every word and phrase is obviously chosen for an exact meaning or allusion. She can very deftly tie together different times and/or individuals, draw out similarities and differences, all while staying true to the drabble format.
Imhiriel does all this while pulling out some of the most obscure references from Tolkien\'s texts. Yet every time, I\'m left with a feeling of familiarity with these little-known events and nameless and/or faceless entities by the end of the drabble. More than once I\'ve looked at her author\'s notes, thinking, \"I don\'t even remember Tolkien writing that!\" and ended by digging out my books to refresh my memory about it. I know that I\'ll not think of the White Tree, or one of Gondor\'s Red Arrow riders, or King Bard of Esgaroth, or Farmer and Mrs. Maggot in the same way ever again!
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 231 Score: 3
Imhiriel is another of those authors who does snapshots--she seems to be specializing in fixed length stories, and she writes a variety of characters and situations, from both LOTR and the Silm. She\'s a solid writer who continues to grow, so look for more from her in the future.
Reviewer: Larner Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 157 Score: 3
How wonderful the gift that allows so much to be said in so short a time and number of words! Imhiriel truly has the gift of moving us by means of small vignettes, in drabble or short story form.
Reviews for Times: The Great Years
Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 378 Score: 4
Imhiriel brings such a sense of humanity to the earlier ages. (Not in making the elves mortal, but in making the drama and the angst approachable for this modern reader). And her prose is always beautiful and displays a passion for finding just the right word to communicate an emotion that I think Tolkien would approve of. This is especially important in shorter pieces like drabbles, and it makes for a read that really appeals to my inner language geek.
Reviewer: Larner Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 72 Score: 1
I\'ve read this drabble so often in the past year. Imhiriel\'s writing is always moving.
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 437 Score: 4
Imhiriel is a relatively new, and quite promising, addition to the ranks of Tolkien fanfic writers. She is a skilled drabblist and writer of ficlets, able to evoke complex memories, beauty and emotion, in just a few words. Like Tolkien, Imhiriel often imbues her description with incredible magic and grace. She can sketch a variety of different people, from Ioreth to Elrond, and capture moments of their lives and pieces of their heart, with equal credibility.
I would like to see what Imhiriel can do with longer stories.
Reviewer: dkpalaska Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 1068 Score: 10
I think of Imhiriel as a master drabbler. Her super-short works are always well done, and oftentimes plainly brilliant for the amount of detail and subtext that they manage to convey in so few words. She has written a very wide variety of characters, places and times, and it says something about her skill that she can cover so much ground so competently.
Imhiriel sets up her scenes with just the right type and amount of hints required to convey the overall mood of the drabble. Every word and phrase is obviously chosen for an exact meaning or allusion. She can very deftly tie together different times and/or individuals, draw out similarities and differences, all while staying true to the drabble format.
Imhiriel does all this while pulling out some of the most obscure references from Tolkien\'s texts. Yet every time, I\'m left with a feeling of familiarity with these little-known events and nameless and/or faceless entities by the end of the drabble. More than once I\'ve looked at her author\'s notes, thinking, \"I don\'t even remember Tolkien writing that!\" and ended by digging out my books to refresh my memory about it. I know that I\'ll not think of the White Tree, or one of Gondor\'s Red Arrow riders, or King Bard of Esgaroth, or Farmer and Mrs. Maggot in the same way ever again!
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 231 Score: 3
Imhiriel is another of those authors who does snapshots--she seems to be specializing in fixed length stories, and she writes a variety of characters and situations, from both LOTR and the Silm. She\'s a solid writer who continues to grow, so look for more from her in the future.