2006 Author Reviews for
Indigo Bunting
Reviews for Races: Cross-Cultural
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 716 Score: 6
I had heard of Indigo Bunting\'s work through the fandom grapevine, and so was quite excited to finally have the opportunity and the excuse to read her story. I was not disappointed. Indigo Bunting has an excellent sense for drama, and for how to exploit the silences in the original story to create an interesting AU situation that quickly silences any residual worries about how it will fit back with the main plot. Her characterization, good pacing and plotting, and ability to build suspense simply outweight any such concerns. She writes all the Fellowship members believably, which suggests that whatever else she may have written or may write in the future ought to be well worth the read. She writes with (justifiable) confidence, cleanly, and without any wobbles or hesitations that I can detect. I certainly look forward to more from her virtual pen.
Reviewer: Larner Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 222 Score: 3
Indigo Bunting certainly isn\'t as prolific a writer as are many, but what is written is superbly well done. Characterization is consistent with canon for canon figures, and well delineated for OCs. Action is realistic and riveting. And I so home we get more stories.