2005 Author Reviews for
Isil Elensar

Reviews for Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings Valid Characters: 709 Score: 7
When I think of Isil Elensar, my first thoughts are: eye for detail and a stunning narrative. Over the year I have read many stories of her and the more she writes, the more she improves in a natural way. Reading her stories is being taken on an adventure with her, whether it is with canon characters or her fabulous orginal characters. It is always a good read. Taking her time, she explores the thoughts and actions of her chosen characters, making them more lovable and you truly feel for them with whatever path they have to choose. Isil is a great author that improves herself with grace and eagerness. Isil knows her Lord of the Rings and that shows. With care and eye for detail, she spins a beautiful tale that leaves you craving for more. Within a year, Isil has made incredibly progress and I am certain that she will only get better. Great work Isil! Keep on sharing your stories.

Reviews for Books/Time: The Silmarillion

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Books/Time: The Silmarillion Valid Characters: 730 Score: 7
When I think of Isil Elensar, my first thoughts are: eye for detail and a stunning narrative. Over the year I have read many stories of her and the more she writes, the more she improves in a natural way. Reading her stories is being taken on an adventure with her, whether it is with Legolas, her hobbits or her fabulous orginal characters. It is always a good read. Taking her time, she explores the thoughts and actions of her chosen characters, making them more lovable and you truly feel for them with whatever path they have to choose. Isil is a great author that improves herself with grace and eagerness. Isil?s explorations of her Silmarillion stories are always a ride. She clearly knows in which time period she writes, but dares to write gap filling stories. Within a year, Isil has made incredibly progress and I am certain that she will only get better. Great work Isil! Keep on sharing your stories.

Reviews for Genres: Drama (includes Angst)

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Drama (includes Angst) Valid Characters: 647 Score: 7
When I think of Isil Elensar, my first thoughts are: eye for detail and a stunning narrative. Over the year I have read many stories of her and the more she writes, the more she improves in a natural way. Reading her stories is being taken on an adventure with her, whether it is with canon characters or her fabulous original characters. It is always a good read. Taking her time, she explores the thoughts and actions of her chosen characters, making them more lovable and you truly feel for them with whatever path they have to choose. Even if it is by means of dramatic changes in the stories. Isil is a great author that improves herself with grace and eagerness. Within a year, Isil has made incredibly progress and I am certain that she will only get better. Great work Isil! Keep on sharing your stories.

Reviews for Genres: Romance

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 747 Score: 7
When I think of Isil Elensar, my first thoughts are: eye for detail and a stunning narrative. Over the year I have read many stories of her and the more she writes, the more she improves in a natural way. Reading her stories is being taken on an adventure with her, whether it is with canon characters or her fabulous original characters. It is always a good read. Taking her time, she explores the thoughts and actions of her chosen characters, making them more lovable and you truly feel for them with whatever path they have to choose. Isil is a great author that improves herself with grace and eagerness. Romance and Isil, those two things go together very well. Sometimes her muse let her write very detailed information about clothes, surroundings? but also feelings and passion. Within a year, Isil has made incredibly progress and I am certain that she will only get better. Great work Isil! Keep on sharing your stories.

Reviews for Races/Places: Elves

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Races/Places: Elves Valid Characters: 814 Score: 8
When I think of Isil Elensar, my first thoughts are: eye for detail and a stunning narrative. Over the year I have read many stories of her and the more she writes, the more she improves in a natural way. Reading her stories is being taken on an adventure with her, whether it is with canon characters or her fabulous original characters. It is always a good read. Taking her time, she explores the thoughts and actions of her chosen characters, making them more lovable and you truly feel for them with whatever path they have to choose. Isil is a great author that improves herself with grace and eagerness. Isil knows her elves and that shows. When she writes a story that takes either place in an elven realm or with an elven character: she has her own opinion to share and writes it masterfully. Combine that with a tinge of romance and you are guaranteed of a good story! Within a year, Isil has made incredibly progress and I am certain that she will only get better. Great work Isil! Keep on sharing your stories.

Reviews for Races/Places: Hobbits

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Races/Places: Hobbits Valid Characters: 716 Score: 7
When I think of Isil Elensar, my first thoughts are: eye for detail and a stunning narrative. Over the year I have read many stories of her and the more she writes, the more she improves in a natural way. Reading her stories is being taken on an adventure with her, whether it is with canon characters or her fabulous orginal characters. It is always a good read. Taking her time, she explores the thoughts and actions of her chosen characters, making them more lovable and you truly feel for them with whatever path they have to choose. Isil is a great author that improves herself with grace and eagerness. When she writes stories about hobbits, I am always amazed how she manages to bring on a tinge of romance and yet gives you that hobbity feeling. Within a year, Isil has made incredibly progress and I am certain that she will only get better. Great work Isil! Keep on sharing your stories.

Reviews for Races/Places: Rohan

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Races/Places: Rohan Valid Characters: 760 Score: 7
When I think of Isil Elensar, my first thoughts are: eye for detail and a stunning narrative. Over the year I have read many stories of her and the more she writes, the more she improves in a natural way. Reading her stories is being taken on an adventure with her, whether it is with canon characters or her fabulous orginal characters. It is always a good read. Taking her time, she explores the thoughts and actions of her chosen characters, making them more lovable and you truly feel for them with whatever path they have to choose. Isil is a great author that improves herself with grace and eagerness. Isil has a special spot in her heart for Rohan characters, even though everything is pretty much set in stone with Rohirrim canon characters, she yet manages to find an unique angle to write about. Within a year, Isil has made incredibly progress and I am certain that she will only get better. Great work Isil! Keep on sharing your stories.
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