2006 Author Reviews for
Lady Bluejay
Reviews for Genres: Romance
Reviewer: Inglor Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 434 Score: 4
I started reading LBJ on a whim. I normally stay in Sil territory but decided to spread my wings a little. I was not dissapointed. Once I read Kissing is Different, I was hooked and ravenously consumed every thing she has written. I enjoy her style and easy technique. I will go so far as to say it is LBJ\'s characterization of Eomer and especially Lotheriel are how I now personify them. As far as I am concerned she has done for Eomer and Lotheriel (Lotheriel especially) what Marnie and Finch have done for Celeborn and Finrod.
Reviewer: SĂșlriel Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 506 Score: 5
I have to admit that while I do read some/most of LadyBJ\'s work, I haven\'t been as loyal a fan, overall, as I should be.
I enjoy her insightful characterizations woven through with subtle humor and her somewhat light-heated overview that hints at the deeper, darker real-life issues at stake. Her plot elements are layered and consistent, not leaving unfinished trailing threads or gapping unexplained holes.
She also has a wonderful talent of interplay with words - in her dialogue - of having her characters say just enough without saying too much; both in terms of speaking to each other and to the readers.