2006 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Races: Hobbits

Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 770 Score: 7
Last year, I discovered Lamiel\'s wonderful ability to blend book and movies while writing the Fellowship as an ensemble. Her characterization and sense of pacing, whether dramatic or comic, are both excellent, and there\'s not a wobble to be found anywhere. She writes with confidence, deftly, and draws out the emotional lives and group dynamics with great sensitivity, no matter which perspective she adopts for any given story. Her characterization of Legolas is one of the strongest I have seen, but she does not neglect his comrades-soon-to-be-friends (even that dratted Dwarf, Gimli) when writing him. One never feels at a loss for context when reading her work--she is careful to establish a ground of relationships and circumstances that fit the characters so that when they speak and act, it feels completely natural and leaves one thinking, \"That\'s exactly what so-and-so would say or do in this situation.\"
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