2005 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Books/Time: Gap-Filler
Reviewer: sulriel Category: Books/Time: Gap-Filler Valid Characters: 1837 Score: 10
Leaward - ahh... ...what to say about Leaward? Little did I imagine, when I first encouraged her, what I would be unleashing. From those first tentative steps - the mind-dulling, brick-wall pounding arguments about passive voice and the importance of the varying depths of detail, personal style versus learned skill, all that talk about knowing the rules before you break them. Am I claiming too much? I hope not, I certainly was not the only one involved, and my nudges this way or that certainly are no reflection or claim on her natural ability and her persistence in improving her skill, to the point that I depend on her critique in my own works. This is, of course, about her, not about me, but please indulge my perspective. It's been a fabulous whirlwind of a journey with no end in sight.
For what I've seen, the growth over the last couple of years - we all have some level of natural ability, creativity and the flow of thoughts into words, Leaward has taken those gifts and worked her happy ...ahh. .. 'tail' off in self-improvement. The study, the books, the classes - a lifetime of learning continues. ... imagine a smith in the armory, pouring the molten steel into the mold, but that's only the first step. The strength comes from the work, the endless folding and pounding and refolding. The strength of dedication in how Leaward has molded her work is clear for all to see in her stand-alones as well as in her series of Dunadan fan-fictions. The characterization is strong and consistent, her heroes are flawed and human in ways that we can identify with, we care about them and what they face. Her subplots are important to the main, the details and description well-used, not only as flavor, but as plotting. Even in a series of fan fictions featuring original characters, her canon is fanatically, dare I say "Historically" accurate, from both a real world and a Middle-earth perspective. While it's easy to join the crowd in reading each new chapter she posts online, I fear I'll have to break a few noses with my elbow in order to be first in line when she comes to town for a book-signing. Should she choose to go that route I have no doubt she'll be successful. -Sulriel (proud to be basking in the shadow!)
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Books/Time: Gap-Filler Valid Characters: 1216 Score: 10
What to say about Leaward? How can I put into words how much I admire her firm control over grammar, her natural way of writing and the way how she manages to weave beautiful and insightful stories with so many layers that even after many re-reads you discover that there is so much more to it than there was initially? What can I say when I find myself realising something in a story, go back a few chapters and see how very cleverly she already hid the clues there? What can I say about her handsome and very rugged rangers that makes every ladies heart beat faster whenever they appear (especially Valandur is my personal favourite). Now I do expect when Leaward reads the previous lines, she will roll her eyes, sighs deeply, and mutters: there you have Rhapsody again with her blind fascination of him. I am sorry, but as long if he is mentioned in every story, that surely makes me a very happy lady.
Whatever genre Leaward writes for: whether it is Romance, Gap fillers, Men or the rugged Rangers from Eriador: she knows how to write a captivating story with so much inspiration, you cannot help yourself to be motivated by it in the most positive way imaginable. Leaward improves herself to such greatness and discovering her unique voice. Following her throughout her stories and following her journey while she discovers and exploits her talent to the fullest? Keep writing Leaward and keep those words flowing through your pen, I know it can be sometimes a tough ride, but it will be worthwhile in the end.
Reviews for Genres: Romance
Reviewer: sulriel Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 1837 Score: 10
Leaward - ahh... ...what to say about Leaward? Little did I imagine, when I first encouraged her, what I would be unleashing. From those first tentative steps - the mind-dulling, brick-wall pounding arguments about passive voice and the importance of the varying depths of detail, personal style versus learned skill, all that talk about knowing the rules before you break them. Am I claiming too much? I hope not, I certainly was not the only one involved, and my nudges this way or that certainly are no reflection or claim on her natural ability and her persistence in improving her skill, to the point that I depend on her critique in my own works. This is, of course, about her, not about me, but please indulge my perspective. It's been a fabulous whirlwind of a journey with no end in sight.
For what I've seen, the growth over the last couple of years - we all have some level of natural ability, creativity and the flow of thoughts into words, Leaward has taken those gifts and worked her happy ...ahh. .. 'tail' off in self-improvement. The study, the books, the classes - a lifetime of learning continues. ... imagine a smith in the armory, pouring the molten steel into the mold, but that's only the first step. The strength comes from the work, the endless folding and pounding and refolding. The strength of dedication in how Leaward has molded her work is clear for all to see in her stand-alones as well as in her series of Dunadan fan-fictions. The characterization is strong and consistent, her heroes are flawed and human in ways that we can identify with, we care about them and what they face. Her subplots are important to the main, the details and description well-used, not only as flavor, but as plotting. Even in a series of fan fictions featuring original characters, her canon is fanatically, dare I say "Historically" accurate, from both a real world and a Middle-earth perspective. While it's easy to join the crowd in reading each new chapter she posts online, I fear I'll have to break a few noses with my elbow in order to be first in line when she comes to town for a book-signing. Should she choose to go that route I have no doubt she'll be successful. -Sulriel (proud to be basking in the shadow!)
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 1284 Score: 10
What to say about Leaward? How can I put into words how much I admire her firm control over grammar, her natural way of writing and the way how she manages to weave beautiful and insightful stories with so many layers that even after many re-reads you discover that there is so much more to it than there was initially? What can I say when I find myself realising something in a story, go back a few chapters and see how very cleverly she already hid the clues there? What can I say about her original characters you come to love and appreciate so much? What can I say about her handsome and very rugged rangers that makes every ladies heart beat faster whenever they appear (especially Valandur is my personal favourite). Now I do expect when Leaward reads the previous lines, she will roll her eyes, sighs deeply, and mutters: there you have Rhapsody again with her blind fascination of him. I am sorry, but as long if he is mentioned in every story, that surely makes me a very happy lady.
Whatever genre Leaward writes for: whether it is Romance, Gap fillers, Men or the rugged Rangers from Eriador: she knows how to write a captivating story with so much inspiration, you cannot help yourself to be motivated by it in the most positive way imaginable. Leaward improves herself to such greatness and discovering her unique voice. Following her throughout her stories and following her journey while she discovers and exploits her talent to the fullest? Keep writing Leaward and keep those words flowing through your pen, I know it can be sometimes a tough ride, but it will be worthwhile in the end.
Reviews for Races/Places: Men
Reviewer: sulriel Category: Races/Places: Men Valid Characters: 1837 Score: 10
Leaward - ahh... ...what to say about Leaward? Little did I imagine, when I first encouraged her, what I would be unleashing. From those first tentative steps - the mind-dulling, brick-wall pounding arguments about passive voice and the importance of the varying depths of detail, personal style versus learned skill, all that talk about knowing the rules before you break them. Am I claiming too much? I hope not, I certainly was not the only one involved, and my nudges this way or that certainly are no reflection or claim on her natural ability and her persistence in improving her skill, to the point that I depend on her critique in my own works. This is, of course, about her, not about me, but please indulge my perspective. It's been a fabulous whirlwind of a journey with no end in sight.
For what I've seen, the growth over the last couple of years - we all have some level of natural ability, creativity and the flow of thoughts into words, Leaward has taken those gifts and worked her happy ...ahh. .. 'tail' off in self-improvement. The study, the books, the classes - a lifetime of learning continues. ... imagine a smith in the armory, pouring the molten steel into the mold, but that's only the first step. The strength comes from the work, the endless folding and pounding and refolding. The strength of dedication in how Leaward has molded her work is clear for all to see in her stand-alones as well as in her series of Dunadan fan-fictions. The characterization is strong and consistent, her heroes are flawed and human in ways that we can identify with, we care about them and what they face. Her subplots are important to the main, the details and description well-used, not only as flavor, but as plotting. Even in a series of fan fictions featuring original characters, her canon is fanatically, dare I say "Historically" accurate, from both a real world and a Middle-earth perspective. While it's easy to join the crowd in reading each new chapter she posts online, I fear I'll have to break a few noses with my elbow in order to be first in line when she comes to town for a book-signing. Should she choose to go that route I have no doubt she'll be successful. -Sulriel (proud to be basking in the shadow!)
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Races/Places: Men Valid Characters: 482 Score: 5
Leaward pulls off a rather tricky and dangerous stunt by creating an OC and giving him the focus of several stories. But it definitely works. By the time the stories are finished, we care about this OC and we have come to care about his world, which is a fantastic extrapolation upon what the life of a Ranger might have been like. I really appreciated the insertion of some rather grating personalities, too. Rangers usually aren't portrayed in such a light, but surely there were personality and command clashes once in a while. Good characterizations, and nice variety in the personalities.
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Races/Places: Men Valid Characters: 1309 Score: 10
What to say about Leaward? How can I put into words how much I admire her firm control over grammar, her natural way of writing and the way how she manages to weave beautiful and insightful stories with so many layers that even after many re-reads you discover that there is so much more to it than there was initially? What can I say when I find myself realising something in a story, go back a few chapters and see how very cleverly she already hid the clues there? What can I say about her firm grasp of Canon regarding the War of the Ring and the way she explores gapfilling material? What can I say about her handsome and very rugged rangers that makes every ladies heart beat faster whenever they appear (especially Valandur is my personal favourite). Now I do expect when Leaward reads the previous lines, she will roll her eyes, sighs deeply, and mutters: there you have Rhapsody again with her blind fascination of him. I am sorry, but as long if he is mentioned in every story, that surely makes me a very happy lady.
Whatever genre Leaward writes for: whether it is Romance, Gap fillers, Men or the rugged Rangers from Eriador: she knows how to write a captivating story with so much inspiration, you cannot help yourself to be motivated by it in the most positive way imaginable. Leaward improves herself to such greatness and discovering her unique voice. Following her throughout her stories and following her journey while she discovers and exploits her talent to the fullest? Keep writing Leaward and keep those words flowing through your pen, I know it can be sometimes a tough ride, but it will be worthwhile in the end.