2004 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Adventure

Reviewer: Amebrindra Category: Adventure
Stories: Bitten, Fireside Tales
Legorfilinde has been my favorite author since I read Hidden which was not her first story, but it was the first story I had read authored by her. I was amazed, and remain amazed, at her ability to transport me into her stories. She has a scope of imagination which continually astounds me with her ability to create incredibly believable, completely original situations with well known, well loved characters. Her portrayal of Legolas and Aragorn have redefined these characters for me in an wonderfully positive way. In writing Bitten and Fireside Tales she brought to life a wealth of past experiences for them which adds depth and meaning to their friendship. Every time I read one of her stories I am treated to a movie in my mind. This is not something that happens often for me, but with her wonderful style of writing...it happens every time.
Reviewer: Alexcat Category: Adventure
Stories: Bitten, Fireside Tales
The author's style is, as most of what I read, to the point. Not a lot of flowery words, but rather a good read.
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