2004 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Adventure
Reviewer: Marigold Cotton Category: Adventure
Stories: The Rebel
Lindelea writes entertaining stories that are also part of the greater history of her personal Middle-earth universe, especially the Shire. All of the stories tie into each other to paint a marvelously detailed picture, each story being a piece of a larger tale, sometimes intimate, sometimes on a grander scale. She doesn't use flashbacks that much, and her decision to use them in this particular story was excellent, as this really enhanced the situations faced in the *present* and made me feel that I knew Freddy. She is a skillful writer, and it shows in particular here.
Reviewer: Llinos Category: Adventure
Stories: The Rebel
Lindelea is a very prolific author, with a very defined universe, and it is quite well done how she matches the action in every story, all the while staying true to her universe. She writes her hobbits differently than I write mine, but clearly loves and understands them. I also appreciate that her stories tend to be long enough to really become immersed in.
Reviewer: Viv Category: Adventure
Stories: The Rebel
I hadn't read Lindelea before the MEFAs (in fact, I'm fairly new to reading hobbit-based fic). But if this piece is representative of her storytelling talent overall, I'm anxious to read more of her work.
Reviews for Drama
Reviewer: Marigold Cotton Category: Drama
Stories: Where the Merlin Cries, As the Gentle Rain
When Lindelea wants to write angst, she writes angst! She doesn't hesitate to be grim and graphic if the story calls for it, but she balances the darkness with light moments.
Reviews for Drama: Drabble
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Drama: Drabble
Stories: The Silent Street, Dernhelm's Ride
Lindelea has some terrific long stories, but her drabbles are amazing, too. She knows exactly how to strike an emotional chord with the audience, and she knows just what words will get the most from her readers. She brings home whatever message is contained within the drabble through the use of repetition. Sometimes it's a literal repetition of words, and at other times it's a more subtle repetition of ideas and thoughts. Either way, it works. Lindelea is an amazing drama drabble writer.
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Drama: Drabble
Stories: The Silent Street, Dernhelm's Ride
Lindelea can really do a lot in such a short format. She puts a feeling into her drabbles, just one, and fills it out.
Reviewer: Marigold Cotton Category: Drama: Drabble
Stories: The Silent Street, Dernhelm's Ride
Such a lot of meaningful content in 100 words! Nicely done!
Reviews for Hobbits
Reviewer: Marigold Cotton Category: Hobbits
Stories: A Small and Passing Thing; At the End of His Rope; Firestorm; Flames; Going, Going, Gone
I can always count on Lindelea to provide an entertaining tale! I appreciate her prolific habits, and her well constructed, elaborately intertwined stories.
Reviewer: Silvermoon Lady Category: Hobbits
Stories: A Small and Passing Thing; At the End of His Rope; Firestorm; Flames; Going, Going, Gone
Prolific, thorough and endlessly enjoyable, I hope this author never ceases to take us ever further in her explorations of the Shire and its inhabitants, great and small. To take the small sketch the Professor left and expand it into such a vibrant world takes a lot of work, insight and just plain love, and I am glad to be receiving the pleasure of the end result.
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Hobbits
Stories: A Small and Passing Thing; At the End of His Rope; Firestorm; Flames; Going, Going, Gone
Lindelea has undertaken the challenge of filling in the parts that Tolkien never got around to writing. And she does so admirably. Her pieces on what happens before, during, and immediately after the Scouring of the Shire could easily fit within the books. They're detailed, encompass a wide variety of characters, and they detail the growth and changes that the Shire goes through. And it DOES change, no matter what the hobbits might try. At the end, there's a feel that maybe things are back on track and that innocence isn't fully lost, but even so, there are still those who remember and their memories can be felt. I love the way she handles how the hobbits try to resume their lives and how those who went off to "foreign parts" are now a bit different from their kin. Great writing that encompasses almost everything. Incredible mind and skill for picking up the details.
Reviews for Hobbits: Poetry
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Hobbits: Poetry
Stories: Shire Songbook, Too Young
Lindelea knows her characters and she knows how to get the most out of them with various poetic devices. The song book is an amazing collection that takes various aspects of the Shire puts them into songs (complete with music) and never loses sight of who or what made that particular song. Lindelea's characterization is flawless, and she is able to characterize large groups, individuals, and life in general for people within the Shire and also for people outside of it. I think the types of songs chosen to be included from cultures outside the Shire is very telling. They're generally light-hearted, but there are notes of sadness and longing, which reflects how Pippin and Merry have changed. The other poem that Lindelea has here is a wonderful example of free verse. She uses its somewhat disorderly structure to characterize Merry without ever forcing him to say a word on his own behalf. Powerful command over poetic devices and the characters portrayed within them.
Reviews for Humor
Reviewer: Marigold Cotton Category: Humor
Stories: Slightly Muddled, Frogs
Lindelea has a wonderful way of writing humour, and can write very sharp, tongue-in-cheek and witty humour as well as very sweet and gentle jesting. She also manages to always keep her characters *in* character even when they are being funny, something not everyone seems able to do, and can maintain it in long stories as well as shorter ones.
Reviews for Lord of the Rings
Reviewer: Marigold Cotton Category: Lord of the Rings
Stories: Answering Machines of Middle Earth
Always a sharp and witty author when writing humour!
Reviews for Lord of the Rings: Drabble
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Lord of the Rings: Drabble
Stories: And get my pipe out of my pack, if it isn't broken…, Fireside Chats, I See the Moon, and the Moon Sees Me, The Moon Sees Somebody I'd Like to See
Hobbits in serious moments are tricky creatures to write, and Lindelea does a great job with them in these drabbles. She paints them as hobbits, fairly light-hearted, but she injects just a few sentences that reveal the gravity of the situation, and it changes the entire tone of the drabble even though the rest is purely hobbit.
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Lord of the Rings: Drabble
Stories: And get my pipe out of my pack, if it isn't broken…, Fireside Chats, I See the Moon, and the Moon Sees Me, The Moon Sees Somebody I'd Like to See
Lindelea is a wonderful drabbler! Drabbles are something I've only recently felt brave enough to try. It may sound easy. only 100 words. But finding a story to fit in so few words is the trick. It's a moment, so short that it's hard to find a full one that only lasts 100 words. Lindelea does time and again.
Reviewer: Marigold Cotton Category: Lord of the Rings: Drabble
Stories: And get my pipe out of my pack, if it isn't broken…, Fireside Chats, I See the Moon, and the Moon Sees Me, The Moon Sees Somebody I'd Like to See
Drabbles are something that I really enjoy writing, and I know how hard they are to get just right. Lindelea manages to write drabbles that are multi-layered, and doesn't waste a word. I like the way that she often ties in past with present.
Reviews for Men
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Men
Stories: Choices
Flawless characterization of Beregond. Lindelea looks at the events surrounding Denethors death, the Morannon, and the Field of Cormallen, and then uses these events and Beregonds reaction to them in order to create a very memorable character. The OCs are characters in their own right, and through their interaction with Beregond, we are able to unearth new levels and facets of his personality. Lindelea basically writes a very long character sketch and not only makes it work but also makes it highly enjoyable.
Reviews for Orcs
Reviewer: Marta Category: Orcs
Stories: In the Eye of the Beholder
I've read Lindelea's hobbit work (specifically "The Rebel") and was always impressed with the depth and maturity she brings to the Shire.
This proves she can do it for other races as well - and not just the "easy" races, like Men and Elves. Lindelea seems to have a real grasp for the idea that every culture is made up of details, little things that define who the individuals within that culture are. I look forward to reading more from her.