2006 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Genres: Humor
Reviewer: Larner Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 235 Score: 3
Llinos is superb at showing us times when our beloved heroes are perhaps not quite at their best, but enjoying themselves nonetheless. Whether it\'s Frodo uncertain what \"frog cheese\" means or Boromir being hit by a conker, she can certainly give us a marvelous story sure to please.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 1054 Score: 10
Llinos writes all genres exceedingly well, but I must say that I love her humour the best! Everything that she has ever written in this genre has never failed to make me laugh aloud, without exception, whether it is my first reading or my twentieth!
She skilfully varies her style as is appropriate, depending upon what she is writing and whose *voice* she is writing it in, whether it be a drabble, a poem, a limerick, a song, or a long or short story. Whatever the style, type of piece, plot or subject matter, her work never fails to deliver and lighten my heart and bring a smile to my face!
She is able to believably write from the point of view or in the voice of any character, be it hobbit, elf, eagle, or orc, and stay completely true to that character, something that is exceptionally difficult. Or she might parody a character or perhaps take a well-known poem and substitute her own very funny words to suit an individual as a gift (I will always treasure the poem that she wrote for me based on Ozymandias!) and she does these things just as excellently.
Her humour is always sharp and cleverly done, her choice of subject matter is always highly original, and I absolutely love her dialogue! Llinos never overwrites, and she never needs to; she always knows just what to say!
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 97 Score: 2
Llinos?s subtle and witty style is evident in both her poetry and prose. She?s an author I consistently enjoy reading.
Reviews for Genres: Romance
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 1093 Score: 10
Llinos has not written much in the way of romance, save for her Uruk-hai poem Ddraigspelt, but it is one of the most beautiful and fierce expressions of a lost love that I have ever read. I have never read anything like it! She captures the fierce aggressive emotion and lust perfectly, and while that may not sound romantic, for an Uruk-hai it is the height of starry-eyed love. She writes the descriptions of their lust filled encounter flawlessly, and never breaks character.
Llinos writes all genres exceedingly well and I absolutely love all of her stories!
She skilfully varies her style as is appropriate, depending upon what she is writing and whose *voice* she is writing it in, whether it be a drabble, a poem, a limerick, a song, or a long or short story. Whatever the style, type of piece, plot or subject matter, her work never fails to be just exactly right!
She is able to believably write from the point of view or in the voice of any character, be it hobbit, elf, eagle, or orc, and stay completely true to that character, something that is exceptionally difficult. She is equally gifted at writing parody.
Her choice of subject matter is always highly original, her knowledge of canon vast, and I absolutely love her dialogue! Llinos never overwrites, and she never needs to; she always knows just what to say!
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 97 Score: 2
Llinos?s subtle and witty style is evident in both her poetry and prose. She?s an author I consistently enjoy reading.
Reviews for Races: Hobbits
Reviewer: Larner Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 235 Score: 3
Llinos is superb at showing us times when our beloved heroes are perhaps not quite at their best, but enjoying themselves nonetheless. Whether it\'s Frodo uncertain what \"frog cheese\" means or Boromir being hit by a conker, she can certainly give us a marvelous story sure to please.
Reviewer: Larner Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 300 Score: 3
The humor Llinos is able to bring out in her stories is warm and delightful. It is such a pleasure to read such silliness as Bilbo\'s Nursery Rhyme and imagine the old Hobbit actually reciting it, and the two younger Hobbits reacting to it. As for Frodo\'s Day Out--the quest done in a few hours, thanks to the Eagle Taxi Service Tolkien was dismayed to even consider!
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 1262 Score: 10
That Llinos knows and loves hobbits, especially Merry and Pippin, is obvious in all that she does! Her depictions of these characters are just wonderful! And she is equally able to capture the voices of every other character that she writes, whether canon or OC. Her Gollum for example is just stunning! He leaps off the page!
She is able to write all genres exceedingly well and I absolutely love her writing!
She skilfully varies her style as is appropriate, depending upon what she is writing and whose *voice* she is writing it in. Whatever the style, type of piece, plot or subject matter, her work never fails to be just exactly right!
She captures the enthusiasm and nature of the hobbits, both as a race, and as individuals, every time. Whether she is writing them at home in the Shire, or mingling with other races beyond its borders they never cease to remain hobbits to their core. Through glimpses of them doing everyday things, to exciting scenes of danger and death, they retain their characters perfectly. Her choice of subject matter is always very original, and I absolutely love her dialogue!
Llinos has an extensive knowledge of canon, and she grew up in the Shire at the time that Tolkien was writing LoTR. This adds an exceptional realism to her work; she has the real Shire all around her, knows the flora, fauna, and food that Tolkien would have been familiar with, understands the class differences. Details and nuances like this really enhance her work.
I look forward to everything that Llinos writes!
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 1147 Score: 10
I absolutely love Llinos\' writing! Her ability to bring life to songs and poems *written* by the hobbits is a rare gift indeed! She not only writes the songs or poems themselves spot-on perfect, she also manages to let the reader see the joy and enthusiasm that the hobbits have for making songs in the first place! Her nominated work in this category is a stunning example of this ability.
She skilfully varies her style as is appropriate, depending upon what she is writing and whose *voice* she is writing it in. Whatever the style, type of piece, plot or subject matter, her work never fails to be just exactly right! She is able to capture the style of one of Tolkien\'s nonsense songs perfectly. She captures the enthusiasm of hobbits, both as a race, and as individuals, every time. That Llinos knows and loves hobbits, especially Merry and Pippin, is obvious in all that she does! Her depictions of these characters are just wonderful, whether as children or as adults.
Llinos has an extensive knowledge of canon, and she grew up in the Shire at the time that Tolkien was writing LoTR. This adds an exceptional realism to her work; she has the real Shire all around her, knows the flora, fauna, and food that Tolkien would have been familiar with, understands the class differences. Details and nuances like this really enhance her work.
I look forward to everything that Llinos writes!
Reviewer: Lindelea Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 250 Score: 3
I had already written a glowing review of Llinos\' poetry, but evidently something happened and it wasn\'t saved. I\'ll try to get back before the awards end to write something more coherent, but if not... from complex, intricately crafted work to hilarious limerick, Llinos is the master of her craft.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 1084 Score: 10
I absolutely love Llinos? humorous stories, especially when the hobbits are the stars! As they almost always are! Whether they are at home in the Shire or out in the wide world she never fails to write them exactly as they should be written. Her characterisations of the hobbits as individuals and members of their extended clans are as astute and enjoyable as the way that she depicts them as a race. She has a wonderful way of describing little quirks of personality that really bring her characters to life!
Llinos grew up in the Shire at the time that Tolkien was writing LoTR and this adds an exceptional realism to her work; she has had the real Shire surrounding her all of her life; she knows firsthand the flora, fauna, and food that Tolkien would have been familiar with, she understands the class differences in a way that would be impossible for most authors. Details and nuances like this really enhance her work and make her depictions of hobbit society spot-on!
Her plots are always clever and original, and her dialogue just exactly right. I am always able to see her stories play out in my mind. Most readers wouldn?t realise it but many of the words that Tolkien used for Sindarin translate almost exactly into Welsh words, and her inclusion of them always enhances the realism of her stories for me!
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 97 Score: 2
Llinos?s subtle and witty style is evident in both her poetry and prose. She?s an author I consistently enjoy reading.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 97 Score: 2
Llinos?s subtle and witty style is evident in both her poetry and prose. She?s an author I consistently enjoy reading.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Hobbits Valid Characters: 97 Score: 2
Llinos?s subtle and witty style is evident in both her poetry and prose. She?s an author I consistently enjoy reading.
Reviews for Times: The Great Years
Reviewer: pippinfan88 Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 513 Score: 5
There are a handful of authors that when I read their name beside a title, I know it\'s going to be a good story (or poem), and of good quality. Llinos is one of those authors. As I have said in another review, Llinos makes it all look so easy, although I\'m sure there was some practice that got her to where she is today. But I think ninety-nine percent of it is just pure, natural talent. She weaves her stories and her poems with brilliant humour, riveting drama, and nail-biting suspense. She has written a couple of stories that will always be part of my list of all-time favourites. Looking forward to more this coming year.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 97 Score: 2
Llinos?s subtle and witty style is evident in both her poetry and prose. She?s an author I consistently enjoy reading.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 1099 Score: 10
I absolutely love Llinos\' writing! Her ability to bring life to songs and poems is a rare gift indeed! She not only writes the songs or poems themselves technically perfect, she crafts each one with spot-on characterisations and descriptions. Every detail is just right, and never feels forced. Her work is always appropriate to the character and subject matter.
She skilfully varies her style as is appropriate, depending upon what she is writing and whose *voice* she is writing it in. Whatever the style, type of piece, plot or subject matter, her work never fails to be just marvellous! The way that she is able to take requests from her readers and come up with the perfect piece of writing is just simply amazing!
Llinos has an extensive knowledge of canon, and she grew up in the Shire at the time that Tolkien was writing LoTR. This adds an exceptional realism to her work; she has the real Shire all around her, knows the flora, fauna, and food that Tolkien would have been familiar with, understands the class differences. Details and nuances like this really enhance her work. She also has the film characterisations down pat, as is evident in her limericks. To be able to write, on request, a spot-on limerick about the old guy at Helm\'s Deep is a mark of her great talent.
I look forward to everything that Llinos writes!