2004 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Drama
Reviewer: Larian Elensar Category: Drama
Stories: Between Two Worlds, The Mantle Of Power, A Family Trait
These are some of Marnie's shorter stories, and she still gives us thorough glimpses of her characters and the situations they are in. I trust her implicitly to tell me a good story, and to get the facts right, and she hasn't let me down yet.
Reviewer: Alexcat Category: Drama
Stories: Between Two Worlds, The Mantle Of Power, A Family Trait
Marnie has a flair for drama without becoming overly sentimental. I find all her work a joy to read.
Reviews for Elves
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Elves
Stories: Oak and Willow, The Wisdom of Isildur, A Leaf on a Stream, Battle of the Golden Wood
Marnie has an ability to look into a character and see their humanity (even Elves) and also their wisdom. And she can make the twins distinct. And that's saying something!
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Elves
Stories: Oak and Willow, The Wisdom of Isildur, A Leaf on a Stream, Battle of the Golden Wood
Marnie writes elves better than anyone I know. Her specialty is Celeborn and Galadriel, a fact reflected by many of her stories, but her other characters are equally strong. From canon characters such as Daeron, LĂșthien, and the sons of FĂ«anor to the original characters that round out the epic battle stories, Marnie demonstrates an almost uncanny ability to target both the sweeping contrasts of vastly different personalities and the subtle, secret parallels that binds them all together as elves. Noldor, Teleri, Sindar, Silvan, it doesn't seem to matter what elves they are; Marnie can do them all. She understands the strengths and weaknesses of each group, and she is not afraid of those strengths and weaknesses. Rather, she uses them to drive the characters and the stories. Marnie also makes wonderful use of a technique called foiling, in which characters are explored by using others as studies in contrasts. It's probably the most effective way to characterize elves because they are so different from the race of men. And Marnie does it as though it is the most natural thing in the world. She can foil elves against men, dwarves, hobbits, and even other elves when the Second Born aren't readily available. Very much an underestimated author when it comes to writing in general and elves more specifically.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Elves
Stories: Oak and Willow, The Wisdom of Isildur, A Leaf on a Stream, Battle of the Golden Wood
Someone on the Henneth Annun list once said that Marnie's mission is to convert the fandom to the cult of Celeborn, one fan at a time. Or words to that effect, and I tip my hat to whoever said them, for they were apt words and a tribute to her skill. From what I have read, she has great skill when it comes to characterization, and a fine sense for where the issues lie that drive her characters' actions.
Reviewer: Larian Elensar Category: Elves
Stories: Oak and Willow, The Wisdom of Isildur, A Leaf on a Stream, Battle of the Golden Wood
I don't know what else to say about Marnie, really. I love her writing, and her fierce love of Celeborn. I know I'll never be disappointed with one of her stories, and I eagerly devour them over and over. I can't help but think that the Professor himself would be very happy with her characterization of Celeborn and the other Sindar elves in his life. And she not only shows his good side, but his weaknesses. She doesn't make Celeborn a hero by bashing Galadriel or other Noldor. I think she's showing them all very honestly, good and bad, and it seems so real. I always feel like she's telling me a history of Celeborn and his people, only she does it in an entertaining format.
Reviewer: Alexcat Category: Elves
Stories: Oak and Willow, The Wisdom of Isildur, A Leaf on a Stream, Battle of the Golden Wood
Marnie handles these storeis as she does all stories about Celeborn, with great love and detail. She does her homework and comes up with a wonderful Sindarin based view of Middle Earth.
Reviews for Lord of the Rings
Reviewer: Larian Elensar Category: Lord of the Rings
Stories: Those Who Remain
Another great Celeborn story from Marnie, who has never yet let me down when it comes to reading one of her stories. The fact is, Marnie plus elves equals a great story.
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Lord of the Rings
Stories: Those Who Remain
Marnie's ability to write Celeborn and to write him so well has always made me both jealous grateful. I found the story "Those who Remain" to be especially interesting because Celeborn is given the chance to interact with a hobbit. Marnie's choice of Sam was great because she went on to draw out similarities between Frodo and Galadriel, which in turn created similarities for Sam and Celeborn. It's amazing to me how Marnie can draw parallels like this. Marnie also shows us how to characterize quickly and efficiently, and she can work in broad strokes (such as characterizing Sindar, Silvan, and Avari) as well as small strokes (such as Orophin's brief cameo or the casual mention of Elrond and Vilya). And in between are the principle characters, who get a full helping of Marnie's talents and become unforgettable to the readers.