2006 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Genres: Drama
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 1334 Score: 10
Minuialeth is an amazing writer and to see here drabbling for a change is a treat! Erestor is her favourite canon character to write about and in every story, she writes about him, I get this distinctive feel that a minor character is being lifted out of a setting and call?s upon the reader?s attention with great skill. Minu does this actually with every canon character that she writes about, she puts them in a different light and shows the reader a different angle.
Whether it is Romance, for example her story ?the World Within?, or in this case Drama, Minu has the talent to write splendid stories for many categories. Her voice in her works, poetry or stories, is strong and are very convincingly delivered. Minuialeth can handle different technical writing point of views without any visible effort. No matter what she writes, you as a reader feel a part of the piece as if you can observe closely what is going on. This is happening in her drabble as well, but it applies to any work she shares with us.
Minuialeth has a natural way of writing that is truly captivating and it is really hard to put the work down for a moment because you do want to know what happens next. Taking her time with writing her tales, she weaves many story layers that truly baffle you and give you just that different perspective you did not think of before. Combine this with a natural gift for pacing in her works, there isn?t so much a beta can correct in her works, besides leaning back and enjoy the fruits of her creativity. Remaining true to her own writing style, reading Minuialeth?s work stand out for me and are always amazing to read.
Reviews for Races: Elves
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Races: Elves Valid Characters: 1459 Score: 10
I was pleasantly surprised to see Minuialeth drabble about a First Age Elf. I know she most often likes to write in different eras, but she combines this with a great drabbling technique to make sure her story comes across. Maybe she shushed Erestor for a while to drabble this, who knows. A major character or not, Minu lift out the elves out of their normal stories and manages to drabble about an event we all know, but gives it a very distinct feeling. With great writing skills, she commands the attention to her work and keeps the attention of the reader with an effective style and prose fitting for Elves.
Minu has the talent to write splendid stories for many categories, she picks her character, and she studies canon and every time she presents something truly amazing. Her voice in her works, poetry or stories, is strong and are very convincingly delivered. Minuialeth can handle different technical writing point of views without any visible effort. No matter what she writes, you as a reader feel a part of the piece as if you can observe closely what is going on. This is happening in her drabble as well, but it applies to any work she shares with us.
Minuialeth has a natural way of writing that is truly captivating and it is really hard to put the work down for a moment because you do want to know what happens next. Taking her time with writing her tales, she weaves many story layers that truly baffle you and give you just that different perspective you did not think of before. Combine this with a natural gift for pacing in her works, there isn?t so much a beta can correct in her works, besides leaning back and enjoy the fruits of her creativity. Remaining true to her own writing style, Minuialeth?s work stand out for me and are always amazing to read.
Reviews for Times: The Great Years
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 1134 Score: 10
Minuialeth is an amazing poet. Even though I have read more original poems written by her, her version of Gandalf?s flight and fight showed her incredibly talent with poetry. Her voice in her works, poetry or stories, is strong and are very convincingly delivered. Minuialeth can handle different technical writing point of views without any visible effort. No matter what she writes, you as a reader feel a part of the piece as if you can observe closely what is going on. This is happening in her poem that is competing in this year MEFA?s, but it applies to any work she shares with us.
Minuialeth has a natural way of writing that is truly captivating and she writes her characters thusly that you can easily identify yourself with them and you feel for them as the work progresses. Besides that, she has a firm grasp on the canon characters and shows the readers aspect of that character which makes them feel very tangible. Taking her time with writing her tales, she weaves many story layers that truly baffle you and give you just that different perspective you did not think of before. Combine this with a natural gift for pacing in her works, there isn?t so much a beta can correct in her works, besides leaning back and enjoy the fruits of her creativity. Remaining true to her own writing style, reading Minuialeth?s work stand out for me and are always amazing to read.