2006 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Genres: Romance
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 230 Score: 3
Nesta is a fiercely book-canon Faramirist, and a multifaceted, extremely talented writer. Her main strengths are dialogue and the conveyence of emotion in a subtle but strong way that shows, rather than tells, and enraptures the reader instead of overpowering the reader.
Reviews for Races: Men
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 526 Score: 5
Faramir fans, take notice--Nesta writes a wonderful Faramir, pensive, sharp, dedicated, haunted. Excellent characterizations all around, actually, and she can pack a lot into a short story. She also has an eye for unusual perspectives, and writes them beautifully, probing psychological weaknesses and strengths as she does so in a believable and creative manner. Her ability to give a voice to the inanimate is wonderful.
Her pacing is also very good--nice timing all around, and her ability to manipulate the political aspect of her characters\' situation is intriguing. I will be looking forward to more stories from her.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 195 Score: 3
Nesta has captured Faramir\'s many facets extremely well: he is not only the gentle one who wins over the [\"wild shieldmaiden of the North\"], but also an astute politician, sharp, keenly intelligent, dedicated to his land and his people.
Reviewer: Raksha the Demon Category: Races: Men Valid Characters: 230 Score: 3
Nesta is a fiercely book-canon Faramirist, and a multifaceted, extremely talented writer. Her main strengths are dialogue and the conveyence of emotion in a subtle but strong way that shows, rather than tells, and enraptures the reader instead of overpowering the reader.
Reviews for Times: Fourth Age and Beyond
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond Valid Characters: 526 Score: 5
Faramir fans, take notice--Nesta writes a wonderful Faramir, pensive, sharp, dedicated, haunted. Excellent characterizations all around, actually, and she can pack a lot into a short story. She also has an eye for unusual perspectives, and writes them beautifully, probing psychological weaknesses and strengths as she does so in a believable and creative manner. Her ability to give a voice to the inanimate is wonderful.
Her pacing is also very good--nice timing all around, and her ability to manipulate the political aspect of her characters\' situation is intriguing. I will be looking forward to more stories from her.
Reviewer: Marigold Category: Times: Fourth Age and Beyond Valid Characters: 79 Score: 2
Nesta has a knack for making her characters come to life and excellent talent for description.
Reviews for Times: The Great Years
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 526 Score: 5
Faramir fans, take notice--Nesta writes a wonderful Faramir, pensive, sharp, dedicated, haunted. Excellent characterizations all around, actually, and she can pack a lot into a short story. She also has an eye for unusual perspectives, and writes them beautifully, probing psychological weaknesses and strengths as she does so in a believable and creative manner. Her ability to give a voice to the inanimate is wonderful.
Her pacing is also very good--nice timing all around, and her ability to manipulate the political aspect of her characters\' situation is intriguing. I will be looking forward to more stories from her.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 195 Score: 3
Nesta has captured Faramir\'s many facets extremely well: he is not only the gentle one who wins over the [\"wild shieldmaiden of the North\"], but also an astute politician, sharp, keenly intelligent, dedicated to his land and his people.