2006 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Genres: Drama
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 229 Score: 3
Neumelndil writes excellent non-human perspectives, and manages a unique voice for different kinds of creatures, all of which are perfectly believable. Very smooth, and good incorporation of human characters into their perspectives. Also excellent take on villains.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 248 Score: 3
I always know I\'ll enjoy reading when I see Neume\'s name on a story. I\'ve followed her series of romantic sagas for quite some time but am always delighted to see her skills turned to humor or drama as her skill as a writer and her voice, that I enjoy so much, come through clearly regardless of the genre.
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 639 Score: 6
Neumeindil loves her Rohirrim and has a warm heart for Gamling and her OFC Morwen. Neume mainly writes her series ?Rohirrim Nights? which are a delight to read, but I know she can her extend her talents to other areas as well. Her stories always have a vivid and evocative feel over them, pulling you into the story and it is heard to break out of it because you cannot stop reading. Neume?s skills have a wide range: from romance, drama to humour: she can write it all in various length and style, giving us characters who we all start to love, one way or another. Besides all of this Neume is a great beta with a knack for helping ESL-writers finding their way (thank you so much for helping me out on occasion), providing sanity checks once a while or shaking pom poms where it is needed.
Reviews for Genres: Humor
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 248 Score: 3
I always know I\'ll enjoy reading when I see Neume\'s name on a story. I\'ve followed her series of romantic sagas for quite some time but am always delighted to see her skills turned to humor or drama as her skill as a writer and her voice, that I enjoy so much, come through clearly regardless of the genre.
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 758 Score: 7
Neumeindil loves her Rohirrim and has a warm heart for Gamling and her OFC Morwen. Neume mainly writes her series ?Rohirrim Nights? which are a delight to read, but I know she can her extend her talents to other areas as well. In her story \'How the Eorlings Ride\' she shows how she can also branch out to other races than her stouthearted Rohirrim and Gondorian\'s alone. Her stories always have a vivid and evocative feel over them, pulling you into the story and it is heard to break out of it because you cannot stop reading. Neume?s skills have a wide range: from romance, drama to humour: she can write it all in various length and style, giving us characters who we all start to love, one way or another. Besides all of this Neume is a great beta with a knack for helping ESL-writers finding their way (thank you so much for helping me out on occasion), providing sanity checks once a while or shaking pom poms where it is needed.
Reviews for Times: Late Third Age
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 229 Score: 3
Neumelndil writes excellent non-human perspectives, and manages a unique voice for different kinds of creatures, all of which are perfectly believable. Very smooth, and good incorporation of human characters into their perspectives. Also excellent take on villains.
Reviewer: Súlriel Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 248 Score: 3
I always know I\'ll enjoy reading when I see Neume\'s name on a story. I\'ve followed her series of romantic sagas for quite some time but am always delighted to see her skills turned to humor or drama as her skill as a writer and her voice, that I enjoy so much, come through clearly regardless of the genre.
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Times: Late Third Age Valid Characters: 878 Score: 8
Neumeindil loves her Rohirrim and has a warm heart for Gamling and her OFC Morwen. Neume mainly writes her series ?Rohirrim Nights? which are a delight to read, but I know she can her extend her talents to other areas as well. In her story \'How the Eorlings Ride\' she shows how she can also branch out to other races than her stouthearted Rohirrim and Gondorian\'s alone. Alothough her splendid drabble ?How Grima Lost His Eyebrows? on Gr?ma and Saruman? it is simply amazing how she wrote that moment with so much skill! Her stories always have a vivid and evocative feel over them, pulling you into the story and it is heard to break out of it because you cannot stop reading. Neume?s skills have a wide range: from romance, drama to humour: she can write it all in various length and style, giving us characters who we all start to love, one way or another. Besides all of this Neume is a great beta with a knack for helping ESL-writers finding their way (thank you so much for helping me out on occasion), providing sanity checks once a while or shaking pom poms where it is needed.