2004 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Drama: Drabble

Reviewer: Larian Elensar Category: Drama: Drabble
Stories: Sundered
Like other pieces of Oakenshield's, her shorter ones convey some strong feelings and images without being too sappy.
Reviewer: Alexcat Category: Drama: Drabble
Stories: Sundered
Oak's dramatic style fits the drabble and category well. She writer serious fiction with a wistful sadness.
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Drama: Drabble
Stories: Sundered
Oakenshield picked up on a lesser-known character and in just 200 words, helped us see why he made his choice and how it might have felt to do so.

Reviews for Romance

Reviewer: Larian Elensar Category: Romance
Stories: To My Shining Light, Jealous
More straightforward pieces from Oakenshield, where the characters and emotions are strong, and the images are easy to visualize. Oaks makes her stories seem very real and believable as well as entertaining.
Reviewer: Alexcat Category: Romance
Stories: To My Shining Light, Jealous
Oak is also another marvelous writer. I can almost believe that she was thereā€¦ her style is that clear and there's always a bit of melancholy that I like.
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