2004 Author Reviews for
Pearl Took

Reviews for Drama

Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Drama
Stories: The Sacrifice of Soldiers; While We Dwelt in Fear; Pippin's Crucible; Little Ones of Their Own; A Flood, A Fall, A Finale, A Fever
Pearl Took is very gifted when it comes to hobbits, and even more gifted when it comes to narratives. She posses an amazing ability to stop and start the pace of a story at will, and when it happens, it feels completely natural. It's a wonderful way to heighten tension and play with a reader's emotions, and it's an even better to play up and draw out the drama of a situation. She has a wonderful feel for what different characters sound like, and when the narrative turns to introspection, the ambling paths of the mind become a fascinating and occasionally frightening journey.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Drama
Stories: The Sacrifice of Soldiers; While We Dwelt in Fear; Pippin's Crucible; Little Ones of Their Own; A Flood, A Fall, A Finale, A Fever
From the few fics I've read by Pearl Took, she has a talent for dramatic presentation. Her pacing is excellent and serves to heighten the tension. Insightful characterization and the ability to bring out the stark horror of a situation are two of her virtues.
Reviewer: Marigold Cotton Category: Drama
Stories: The Sacrifice of Soldiers; While We Dwelt in Fear; Pippin's Crucible; Little Ones of Their Own; A Flood, A Fall, A Finale, A Fever
Drama is one of Pearl's strong points, and she builds up some wonderful anticipation within her scenes. She also comes up with some wonderfully interesting story lines and plot points, and can always be depended upon to include some very clever details. There are always some unforgettable moments to look forward to in Pearl's stories. She writes all of her characters with great care to keep them *in character* - all of her dialogue is appropriate and she doesn't overwrite. Her descriptions are good and all parts of the stories are well thought out. Her chapters are also pretty much long enough, satisfying but leaving readers, including me, eager for more.

Reviews for Hobbits

Reviewer: Marigold Cotton Category: Hobbits
Stories: A Mother's Day
Pearl can always be counted upon to provide a good read, with well written characters and dialogue.

Reviews for Humor

Reviewer: Marigold Cotton Category: Humor
Stories: It Was A Dark and Stormy
Terrific and witty sense of humour, and a very clever and imaginative scenario. Good ability to balance dark and light.
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