2006 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Genres: Romance
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 601 Score: 6
Good slash is hard to find, so Raihon gets my thanks from one slasher to another. She finds a way to use what\'s actually written to plumb what could lie silent in the story, and in so doing convinces the reader that that sub-textual view is plausible, fits the story as told, and can actually explain the movement of the original story, and not simply isolated segments of it.
Her characterization is very good--her Beleg has his own voice and sounds plausibly elvish. She writes conflicted love well, without descending into overdone sentimentality. Motivations make sense; they match up with events and the personalities we are given in Tolkien\'s story. The pacing may be a bit rough, but still--her work is recommended.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 146 Score: 2
Raihon writes slash convincingly here, giving us a relationship that defines the characters involved not just through their desires but the consequences of those desires.