2004 Author Reviews for
RennWench and Alstaria

Reviews for Men: Poetry

Reviewer: Larian Elensar Category: Men: Poetry
Stories: I Ride
I love the tempo and drive that Rennwench and Alstaria used with their piece. Of course, I've read other stories by Rennwench and I love the rhythm she employs in all of her pieces. They aren't all poems, but they do have a poetic quality that's refreshing.
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Men: Poetry
Stories: I Ride
Powerful use of poetry and the unique advantages that verse offers over narrative. In particular, I loved the use of the phrase "I ride" and how it was turned into an anthem of sorts for Faramir, who indeed rode. And then we were given the reasons why. The poem was well paced, beginning slow but then increasing rapidly in tempo until we were riding right alongside Faramir. And we moved from the setting in the beginning to the hearts and feelings of his hearts. RennWench and Alstaria did a good job of drawing the reader and then keeping the reader there while they gave us all the reasons why Faramir was sufficient and why Faramir represented the best that was in the men of Gondor.
Reviewer: Alexcat Category: Men: Poetry
Stories: I Ride
Renn and Alstaria wrote in a style that suited their subject and did it very effectively.
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