2006 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Genres: Drama

Reviewer: Marigold Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 125 Score: 2
Rhapsody has an extensive knowledge of canon, and this strengthens every story that she write. Her tales are well concieved and highly descriptive.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 729 Score: 6
It amazes me that Rhapsody, as an author who writes English as a second language, should write it so affectively in short forms like drabbles. I don\'t think that I\'ve read a multi-chaptered piece by her because I tend to more or less stick to Third Age stuff, and I\'m sure she can write longer pieces just as convincingly. But when you\'re writing drabbles or pieces that aren\'t that longer, then every word has to count. And Rhapsody is one of the best drabblists I know; her pieces always pack a punch in their short length and never feel rushed. More than that, she is one of those authors that has made the Third Age come to life for me. Her characterizations are vivid and fallible in ways that fit the elves she\'s writing about. I had a hard time remembering which son of Feanor was which before I read stuff by authors like Rhapsody. She has definitely enhanced Tolkien\'s world for me.
Reviewer: Alassante Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 2584 Score: 10
Rhapsody is one of the most versatile and amazing writers in Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction that I know. She writes about so many characters and manages to pull it off every time. Some people can only write hobbits. Others can only write men or elves. She?s written men, elves, women, hobbits, HORSES, even Valar and managed to nail it. In the time that I have known her I have watched her grow so much as a writer, I am in awe. At first I was always impressed with the fact that she was an ESL writer and does it so well now, most people would never know English wasn?t her first language. Now that I know her as well as I do, I realize her writing has so much of her heart and her love for each character in it. She will research something to the very smallest detail but still manages to put so much emotion into her writing; you don?t even realize how much research she might have done for it. Her brain and her heart work in perfect concert together to write a story, whether it is one hundred words long or multi-chapters, you always feel the full impact of what she was trying to convey. I have not read one of her stories and felt like something was missing which in drabbles and short stories is so difficult. I personally struggle with writing short stories at all. I cannot get all my characterizations, details, and the events all in just a few pages. Rhapsody does not have this problem. I also love the way she takes an itty-bitty detail or gap filler and turns it into a real gem. Writing about a dog or horse, F?anor?s letters (Letters in the Sand), Arathorn delivering tragic news to a new widow and her children, Bilbo?s growing obsession with the ring, all little plot bunnies that she turned into a brilliantly engaging story. Of all of her stories the one that struck me the most is Oaths Foresworn. I do not think I can rave about this one enough. Why it struck me so much was the emotion in it. A story that can make me cry every time I read it and if anyone asks about stories about Maglor, it is the first one I recommend. Her Maglor became my Maglor in my head. She has claimed that character and every time I read something she has written with him as her character I know what to expect. I know him as well as I know the movie versions of the other characters just because she has explored him in so many different ways and from different angles, I have seen how he will react under different circumstances. I think certain people claim characters so well and she has done that with Maglor and is starting to become that way with Celegorm. Her knowledge of their history is immense. In fact her Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings knowledge in general is extensive. I have not ever talked to her about The Hobbit because I haven?t read that one yet but I?m sure she has knowledge in that as well. I like to think of Rhapsody as the ?lil writer that could?. Give her a book, movie, or TV show and she will find something to write about. I constantly wonder if she lays awake at night analyzing what was missing from HoME that she can write about. And everyone knows about her rabid plot bunny attacks and thankfully we all get the joy of reading about them sooner or later.

Reviews for Genres: Humor

Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 729 Score: 6
It amazes me that Rhapsody, as an author who writes English as a second language, should write it so affectively in short forms like drabbles. I don\'t think that I\'ve read a multi-chaptered piece by her because I tend to more or less stick to Third Age stuff, and I\'m sure she can write longer pieces just as convincingly. But when you\'re writing drabbles or pieces that aren\'t that longer, then every word has to count. And Rhapsody is one of the best drabblists I know; her pieces always pack a punch in their short length and never feel rushed. More than that, she is one of those authors that has made the Third Age come to life for me. Her characterizations are vivid and fallible in ways that fit the elves she\'s writing about. I had a hard time remembering which son of Feanor was which before I read stuff by authors like Rhapsody. She has definitely enhanced Tolkien\'s world for me.
Reviewer: Alassante Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 2584 Score: 10
Rhapsody is one of the most versatile and amazing writers in Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction that I know. She writes about so many characters and manages to pull it off every time. Some people can only write hobbits. Others can only write men or elves. She?s written men, elves, women, hobbits, HORSES, even Valar and managed to nail it. In the time that I have known her I have watched her grow so much as a writer, I am in awe. At first I was always impressed with the fact that she was an ESL writer and does it so well now, most people would never know English wasn?t her first language. Now that I know her as well as I do, I realize her writing has so much of her heart and her love for each character in it. She will research something to the very smallest detail but still manages to put so much emotion into her writing; you don?t even realize how much research she might have done for it. Her brain and her heart work in perfect concert together to write a story, whether it is one hundred words long or multi-chapters, you always feel the full impact of what she was trying to convey. I have not read one of her stories and felt like something was missing which in drabbles and short stories is so difficult. I personally struggle with writing short stories at all. I cannot get all my characterizations, details, and the events all in just a few pages. Rhapsody does not have this problem. I also love the way she takes an itty-bitty detail or gap filler and turns it into a real gem. Writing about a dog or horse, F?anor?s letters (Letters in the Sand), Arathorn delivering tragic news to a new widow and her children, Bilbo?s growing obsession with the ring, all little plot bunnies that she turned into a brilliantly engaging story. Of all of her stories the one that struck me the most is Oaths Foresworn. I do not think I can rave about this one enough. Why it struck me so much was the emotion in it. A story that can make me cry every time I read it and if anyone asks about stories about Maglor, it is the first one I recommend. Her Maglor became my Maglor in my head. She has claimed that character and every time I read something she has written with him as her character I know what to expect. I know him as well as I know the movie versions of the other characters just because she has explored him in so many different ways and from different angles, I have seen how he will react under different circumstances. I think certain people claim characters so well and she has done that with Maglor and is starting to become that way with Celegorm. Her knowledge of their history is immense. In fact her Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings knowledge in general is extensive. I have not ever talked to her about The Hobbit because I haven?t read that one yet but I?m sure she has knowledge in that as well. I like to think of Rhapsody as the ?lil writer that could?. Give her a book, movie, or TV show and she will find something to write about. I constantly wonder if she lays awake at night analyzing what was missing from HoME that she can write about. And everyone knows about her rabid plot bunny attacks and thankfully we all get the joy of reading about them sooner or later.

Reviews for Genres: Romance

Reviewer: Alassante Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 2584 Score: 10
Rhapsody is one of the most versatile and amazing writers in Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction that I know. She writes about so many characters and manages to pull it off every time. Some people can only write hobbits. Others can only write men or elves. She?s written men, elves, women, hobbits, HORSES, even Valar and managed to nail it. In the time that I have known her I have watched her grow so much as a writer, I am in awe. At first I was always impressed with the fact that she was an ESL writer and does it so well now, most people would never know English wasn?t her first language. Now that I know her as well as I do, I realize her writing has so much of her heart and her love for each character in it. She will research something to the very smallest detail but still manages to put so much emotion into her writing; you don?t even realize how much research she might have done for it. Her brain and her heart work in perfect concert together to write a story, whether it is one hundred words long or multi-chapters, you always feel the full impact of what she was trying to convey. I have not read one of her stories and felt like something was missing which in drabbles and short stories is so difficult. I personally struggle with writing short stories at all. I cannot get all my characterizations, details, and the events all in just a few pages. Rhapsody does not have this problem. I also love the way she takes an itty-bitty detail or gap filler and turns it into a real gem. Writing about a dog or horse, F?anor?s letters (Letters in the Sand), Arathorn delivering tragic news to a new widow and her children, Bilbo?s growing obsession with the ring, all little plot bunnies that she turned into a brilliantly engaging story. Of all of her stories the one that struck me the most is Oaths Foresworn. I do not think I can rave about this one enough. Why it struck me so much was the emotion in it. A story that can make me cry every time I read it and if anyone asks about stories about Maglor, it is the first one I recommend. Her Maglor became my Maglor in my head. She has claimed that character and every time I read something she has written with him as her character I know what to expect. I know him as well as I know the movie versions of the other characters just because she has explored him in so many different ways and from different angles, I have seen how he will react under different circumstances. I think certain people claim characters so well and she has done that with Maglor and is starting to become that way with Celegorm. Her knowledge of their history is immense. In fact her Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings knowledge in general is extensive. I have not ever talked to her about The Hobbit because I haven?t read that one yet but I?m sure she has knowledge in that as well. I like to think of Rhapsody as the ?lil writer that could?. Give her a book, movie, or TV show and she will find something to write about. I constantly wonder if she lays awake at night analyzing what was missing from HoME that she can write about. And everyone knows about her rabid plot bunny attacks and thankfully we all get the joy of reading about them sooner or later.

Reviews for Races: Cross-Cultural

Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 729 Score: 6
It amazes me that Rhapsody, as an author who writes English as a second language, should write it so affectively in short forms like drabbles. I don\'t think that I\'ve read a multi-chaptered piece by her because I tend to more or less stick to Third Age stuff, and I\'m sure she can write longer pieces just as convincingly. But when you\'re writing drabbles or pieces that aren\'t that longer, then every word has to count. And Rhapsody is one of the best drabblists I know; her pieces always pack a punch in their short length and never feel rushed. More than that, she is one of those authors that has made the Third Age come to life for me. Her characterizations are vivid and fallible in ways that fit the elves she\'s writing about. I had a hard time remembering which son of Feanor was which before I read stuff by authors like Rhapsody. She has definitely enhanced Tolkien\'s world for me.

Reviews for Races: Elves

Reviewer: Marta Category: Races: Elves Valid Characters: 729 Score: 6
It amazes me that Rhapsody, as an author who writes English as a second language, should write it so affectively in short forms like drabbles. I don\'t think that I\'ve read a multi-chaptered piece by her because I tend to more or less stick to Third Age stuff, and I\'m sure she can write longer pieces just as convincingly. But when you\'re writing drabbles or pieces that aren\'t that longer, then every word has to count. And Rhapsody is one of the best drabblists I know; her pieces always pack a punch in their short length and never feel rushed. More than that, she is one of those authors that has made the Third Age come to life for me. Her characterizations are vivid and fallible in ways that fit the elves she\'s writing about. I had a hard time remembering which son of Feanor was which before I read stuff by authors like Rhapsody. She has definitely enhanced Tolkien\'s world for me.
Reviewer: Alassante Category: Races: Elves Valid Characters: 2584 Score: 10
Rhapsody is one of the most versatile and amazing writers in Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction that I know. She writes about so many characters and manages to pull it off every time. Some people can only write hobbits. Others can only write men or elves. She?s written men, elves, women, hobbits, HORSES, even Valar and managed to nail it. In the time that I have known her I have watched her grow so much as a writer, I am in awe. At first I was always impressed with the fact that she was an ESL writer and does it so well now, most people would never know English wasn?t her first language. Now that I know her as well as I do, I realize her writing has so much of her heart and her love for each character in it. She will research something to the very smallest detail but still manages to put so much emotion into her writing; you don?t even realize how much research she might have done for it. Her brain and her heart work in perfect concert together to write a story, whether it is one hundred words long or multi-chapters, you always feel the full impact of what she was trying to convey. I have not read one of her stories and felt like something was missing which in drabbles and short stories is so difficult. I personally struggle with writing short stories at all. I cannot get all my characterizations, details, and the events all in just a few pages. Rhapsody does not have this problem. I also love the way she takes an itty-bitty detail or gap filler and turns it into a real gem. Writing about a dog or horse, F?anor?s letters (Letters in the Sand), Arathorn delivering tragic news to a new widow and her children, Bilbo?s growing obsession with the ring, all little plot bunnies that she turned into a brilliantly engaging story. Of all of her stories the one that struck me the most is Oaths Foresworn. I do not think I can rave about this one enough. Why it struck me so much was the emotion in it. A story that can make me cry every time I read it and if anyone asks about stories about Maglor, it is the first one I recommend. Her Maglor became my Maglor in my head. She has claimed that character and every time I read something she has written with him as her character I know what to expect. I know him as well as I know the movie versions of the other characters just because she has explored him in so many different ways and from different angles, I have seen how he will react under different circumstances. I think certain people claim characters so well and she has done that with Maglor and is starting to become that way with Celegorm. Her knowledge of their history is immense. In fact her Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings knowledge in general is extensive. I have not ever talked to her about The Hobbit because I haven?t read that one yet but I?m sure she has knowledge in that as well. I like to think of Rhapsody as the ?lil writer that could?. Give her a book, movie, or TV show and she will find something to write about. I constantly wonder if she lays awake at night analyzing what was missing from HoME that she can write about. And everyone knows about her rabid plot bunny attacks and thankfully we all get the joy of reading about them sooner or later.

Reviews for Times: First Age and Prior

Reviewer: Dawn Felagund Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 1555 Score: 10
\"Requiem\" is an excellent example of why Rhapsody is one of the finest authors in the Silmarillion fandom. While gap-fillers are fun and intriguing, she takes her stories a step beyond that, writing tales that elucidate and flesh out canon that can at times be tricky and is ignored by most fanfic authors. In \"Requiem,\" Rhapsody takes her audience to a realm that Tolkien acknowledges is beyond the understanding of the living: the Halls of Mandos. Through meticulous research and much thought on the canon, she makes this alien place the natural setting for a thought-provoking story. In \"Requiem,\" as in many of her other stories, Rhapsody again takes the story a step beyond the norm. Tolkien\'s characters have often been criticized as being \"black and white\"--that is, all good or all evil--and many of the major players of The Silmarillion seem to fall into that trap. Yet it is possible to read beyond that, and Rhapsody does. She takes one of Tolkien\'s most hated characters--Celegorm, the third son of Feanor--and makes him accessible to readers who wish to understand how an Elf born in Aman during the Time of the Trees could turn to such grievous ends. And most importantly, she does this without altering the canon and without making excuses for his behavior. \"Requiem\" is not Rhapsody\'s only work with Celegorm, but it is certainly one of her best, yet another example of how reading more deeply into The Silmarillion, one can find new levels to understanding characters who--on the surface--seem black and white. There are few stories that I finish agog, the story having filled my mind with new ideas and inspirations that I\'d never bothered to consider before. \"Requiem\" was such a story. Rhapsody is such an author. For anyone who dares to delve the most mysterious corners of Tolkien\'s universe, I recommend this story, and all of Rhapsody\'s writing.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 729 Score: 6
It amazes me that Rhapsody, as an author who writes English as a second language, should write it so affectively in short forms like drabbles. I don\'t think that I\'ve read a multi-chaptered piece by her because I tend to more or less stick to Third Age stuff, and I\'m sure she can write longer pieces just as convincingly. But when you\'re writing drabbles or pieces that aren\'t that longer, then every word has to count. And Rhapsody is one of the best drabblists I know; her pieces always pack a punch in their short length and never feel rushed. More than that, she is one of those authors that has made the Third Age come to life for me. Her characterizations are vivid and fallible in ways that fit the elves she\'s writing about. I had a hard time remembering which son of Feanor was which before I read stuff by authors like Rhapsody. She has definitely enhanced Tolkien\'s world for me.
Reviewer: Alassante Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 2584 Score: 10
Rhapsody is one of the most versatile and amazing writers in Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction that I know. She writes about so many characters and manages to pull it off every time. Some people can only write hobbits. Others can only write men or elves. She?s written men, elves, women, hobbits, HORSES, even Valar and managed to nail it. In the time that I have known her I have watched her grow so much as a writer, I am in awe. At first I was always impressed with the fact that she was an ESL writer and does it so well now, most people would never know English wasn?t her first language. Now that I know her as well as I do, I realize her writing has so much of her heart and her love for each character in it. She will research something to the very smallest detail but still manages to put so much emotion into her writing; you don?t even realize how much research she might have done for it. Her brain and her heart work in perfect concert together to write a story, whether it is one hundred words long or multi-chapters, you always feel the full impact of what she was trying to convey. I have not read one of her stories and felt like something was missing which in drabbles and short stories is so difficult. I personally struggle with writing short stories at all. I cannot get all my characterizations, details, and the events all in just a few pages. Rhapsody does not have this problem. I also love the way she takes an itty-bitty detail or gap filler and turns it into a real gem. Writing about a dog or horse, F?anor?s letters (Letters in the Sand), Arathorn delivering tragic news to a new widow and her children, Bilbo?s growing obsession with the ring, all little plot bunnies that she turned into a brilliantly engaging story. Of all of her stories the one that struck me the most is Oaths Foresworn. I do not think I can rave about this one enough. Why it struck me so much was the emotion in it. A story that can make me cry every time I read it and if anyone asks about stories about Maglor, it is the first one I recommend. Her Maglor became my Maglor in my head. She has claimed that character and every time I read something she has written with him as her character I know what to expect. I know him as well as I know the movie versions of the other characters just because she has explored him in so many different ways and from different angles, I have seen how he will react under different circumstances. I think certain people claim characters so well and she has done that with Maglor and is starting to become that way with Celegorm. Her knowledge of their history is immense. In fact her Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings knowledge in general is extensive. I have not ever talked to her about The Hobbit because I haven?t read that one yet but I?m sure she has knowledge in that as well. I like to think of Rhapsody as the ?lil writer that could?. Give her a book, movie, or TV show and she will find something to write about. I constantly wonder if she lays awake at night analyzing what was missing from HoME that she can write about. And everyone knows about her rabid plot bunny attacks and thankfully we all get the joy of reading about them sooner or later.
Reviewer: Alassante Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 2584 Score: 10
Rhapsody is one of the most versatile and amazing writers in Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction that I know. She writes about so many characters and manages to pull it off every time. Some people can only write hobbits. Others can only write men or elves. She?s written men, elves, women, hobbits, HORSES, even Valar and managed to nail it. In the time that I have known her I have watched her grow so much as a writer, I am in awe. At first I was always impressed with the fact that she was an ESL writer and does it so well now, most people would never know English wasn?t her first language. Now that I know her as well as I do, I realize her writing has so much of her heart and her love for each character in it. She will research something to the very smallest detail but still manages to put so much emotion into her writing; you don?t even realize how much research she might have done for it. Her brain and her heart work in perfect concert together to write a story, whether it is one hundred words long or multi-chapters, you always feel the full impact of what she was trying to convey. I have not read one of her stories and felt like something was missing which in drabbles and short stories is so difficult. I personally struggle with writing short stories at all. I cannot get all my characterizations, details, and the events all in just a few pages. Rhapsody does not have this problem. I also love the way she takes an itty-bitty detail or gap filler and turns it into a real gem. Writing about a dog or horse, F?anor?s letters (Letters in the Sand), Arathorn delivering tragic news to a new widow and her children, Bilbo?s growing obsession with the ring, all little plot bunnies that she turned into a brilliantly engaging story. Of all of her stories the one that struck me the most is Oaths Foresworn. I do not think I can rave about this one enough. Why it struck me so much was the emotion in it. A story that can make me cry every time I read it and if anyone asks about stories about Maglor, it is the first one I recommend. Her Maglor became my Maglor in my head. She has claimed that character and every time I read something she has written with him as her character I know what to expect. I know him as well as I know the movie versions of the other characters just because she has explored him in so many different ways and from different angles, I have seen how he will react under different circumstances. I think certain people claim characters so well and she has done that with Maglor and is starting to become that way with Celegorm. Her knowledge of their history is immense. In fact her Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings knowledge in general is extensive. I have not ever talked to her about The Hobbit because I haven?t read that one yet but I?m sure she has knowledge in that as well. I like to think of Rhapsody as the ?lil writer that could?. Give her a book, movie, or TV show and she will find something to write about. I constantly wonder if she lays awake at night analyzing what was missing from HoME that she can write about. And everyone knows about her rabid plot bunny attacks and thankfully we all get the joy of reading about them sooner or later.
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