2006 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Genres: Drama
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 928 Score: 9
I often wondered what Robinka would do if she would meet Tolkien. I know her as a very avid Beleg fangirl, so I think that meeting will be very interesting. With Stigma?s Robinka writes the person who killed Beleg and she works out the seven sins in that piece brilliantly. But I have seen other works written by her in which Beleg?s demise is explored or if not corrected in an AU version. ?The last leaf to fall? is a work for example, in which she grandly explores how a wife of Beleg would be affected if he died. With this story, but more of her works, I am always moved deeply in how she so greatly writes stories that have a drama-perspective by using story techniques to bring across her story in a great and touching way. Her writing feels very natural and it simply captivates you from the first to the last word. I often told her that her story ?last leaf to fall? would do great on its own as an original story, so who knows. English isn?t Robinka?s native tongue, so I know personally how hard it can be to write a story in English, but her talent simply shines through in every challenge or bunny she choses to write, despite this hurdle.
Reviews for Genres: Romance
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 382 Score: 4
Poetry and erotica, a combination that I don?t see often in Tolkien fanfic, but Robinka combines both in this poem competing for the MEFA?s. I have read quite a lot of stories from this author with the nc-17 rating and I have to say she is very gifted in this genre, but to see it back in the form of poetry in a specific form: it says a lot about her talents as a poet. In her writings, she prefers to write about the Sindar elves and this work is another great example of that!
Reviews for Times: First Age and Prior
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 1090 Score: 10
Drabbling a Valar is always something special. There is a certain ?tone? you have to catch, but when I read Robinka?s drabbles and other stories: she always gives the character the right voice to speak with. This is just example of the great skills Robinka has as a writer. With ?...and I will follow you, my Captain? she immediately places you on the battlefield and the same feat she repeats skilfully with ?Nan Elmoth? or the ?First Anarchist?. In her stories, Robinka loves to write her two special marchwardens the most, but she really knows to place the elf in the right age so to speak. There is almost nothing Robinka doesn?t know about the Sindarin elves, but the same applies to the proud Galadhrim in the third age. I am sometimes so amazed when she tells me that in rapid succession and with the aid of friends, she learnt the English language rapidly which shows to me that she has a knack for comprehending languages and knows how to master it skilfully. Of all her stories, I love her longer stories the most because she knows how to set up plotlines so incredibly well and she sometimes plagues you with cliff-hangers which keep you on the lookout for the next chapter. But her drabbles and vignette always have that specific moment as if she can capture it with a crucial timing that makes her shorter works a treat to read.
Reviews for Times: The Great Years
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Times: The Great Years Valid Characters: 1090 Score: 10
Drabbling a Valar is always something special. There is a certain ?tone? you have to catch, but when I read Robinka?s drabbles and other stories: she always gives the character the right voice to speak with. This is just example of the great skills Robinka has as a writer. With ?...and I will follow you, my Captain? she immediately places you on the battlefield and the same feat she repeats skilfully with ?Nan Elmoth? or the ?First Anarchist?. In her stories, Robinka loves to write her two special marchwardens the most, but she really knows to place the elf in the right age so to speak. There is almost nothing Robinka doesn?t know about the Sindarin elves, but the same applies to the proud Galadhrim in the third age. I am sometimes so amazed when she tells me that in rapid succession and with the aid of friends, she learnt the English language rapidly which shows to me that she has a knack for comprehending languages and knows how to master it skilfully. Of all her stories, I love her longer stories the most because she knows how to set up plotlines so incredibly well and she sometimes plagues you with cliff-hangers which keep you on the lookout for the next chapter. But her drabbles and vignette always have that specific moment as if she can capture it with a crucial timing that makes her shorter works a treat to read.