2004 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Adventure

Reviewer: Legorfilinde Category: Adventure
Stories: The Patient
I wanted to vote for this author because this particular story still remains with me. The writing was very clear, humorous and held the reader's interest.
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Adventure
Stories: The Patient
I don't think I can say enough about Scribe. As an action writer, I would go so far as to say that she has no equal. Most of her stories include a healthy dollop of action, but it never gets old and she always finds a new way to portray battles. Sometimes she sticks with a single viewpoint and other times she hops around from perspective to perspective, never losing the thread of the narrative but giving us a glimpse as to all facets of whatever battle she's describing. And battles aren't the only action she does well. She also excels at chase scenes, which sounds strange as chase scenes usually only work on the big screen. But Scribe's gift for words and pacing brings them alive in her stories. She has a firm handle on her characters, and in her modern stories, those characters who are reincarnations of former individuals are a unique blend of new characteristics and old tendencies. Scribe is one of the best ensemble writers out there, able to give each character his or her due and still move the story forward. Her ability to switch into an omniscient narrative during key moments of action is an amazing talent that is used sparingly, but when it does come into play, it fleshes out the action so well that readers are left to wonder how action could be written any other way. Exciting, epic, and creative stories are Scribe's forte, and nobody does them better than she does.
Reviewer: Viv Category: Adventure
Stories: The Patient
I've told Scribe this before: her talents are wasted on a free-publishing market like fic. She ought to be getting paid for this stuff. She's that good. When I'm introducing people who've never read fanfic before and want to know what it's all about, Scribe is one of the authors I point them to, an example of the representative best in fic.
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