2005 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Genres: Alternate Universe

Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Genres: Alternate Universe Valid Characters: 1076 Score: 10
Where do I even begin when it comes to Scribe? I guess I should start with what impresses me most about the story nominated in this section, "Triumvirate," and that would have to be pacing. Scribe is an absolute master at pacing. Through pacing, she maintains a constant tension throughout the entire story that never really eases. There's always a sense of lurking danger. No one is ever truly safe, and whenever there seems to be a lull in the action, Scribe adjusts the narrative to pick up the slack. The story is never stagnant. Another thing that really impresses me is scale. Scribe's stories are never small, quiet things. They're giant, epic, and filled with a vast assortment of charactes, all of whom are absolutely essential the plot and none of whom get short-shifted as far as attention or characterization. Scribe keeps all the threads straight, all the actions straight, and she delivers it so clearly that the reader is never confused, either. Left hanging, adrift, and screaming for more? Yes. But never confused. And beyond this, I could name hundreds of other things that Scribe has clearly mastered, but I'd probably overload the review system. So I'll simply tip my hat to an author who deserves far more recognition than what she currently gets and add a simple thank you for sharing such amazing talent.
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