2005 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Books/Time: Gap-Filler
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Books/Time: Gap-Filler Valid Characters: 627 Score: 6
I've come to the conclusion that SilverMoon Lady's gift is layered hobbits. By layered I mean intricate, subtle, nuanced characters who are definitely hobbits but who are also clearly the travelers who were able to bear a Ring of Power and destroy it. SilverMoon Lady is one of the few authors who takes the time to push her hobbits until they show that spark of courage and character they all have. She gives them depth, and then she gives them turning points in which to exercise that depth. It certainly doesn't hurt that she's an excellent author who is brilliant at both narrative and dialogue. Those two talents, coupled with her fantastic characterizations, are enough to make her not only one of my favorite hobbit authors but also one of my favorite authors period.
Reviewer: Lindelea Category: Books/Time: Gap-Filler Valid Characters: 289 Score: 3
SilverMoonLady writes stories that are as rich, dark, and chewy as the best fudge--interspersed with crunchy bits of humour and a flavouring of sensuality. I love the way her characters interact! Her hobbits are mature adults, not childish or cliched. She has developed a style of her own, with a subtle sophistication, and is high on my "reading" list.
Reviewer: Ghettoelleth Category: Books/Time: Gap-Filler Valid Characters: 1252 Score: 10
Oh dear. My darling Sil is one of those very wicked people who dragged me kicking and screaming into a world where little munchkins with hairy feet have sex and we're all foaming at the mouth to watch. Sil really is taking courses from some of the lesser demons and is a sort of, 'cajole by example.' evangelical machiavelli. In other words, no one is safe until all the world has recognized that Hobbitcentric romance is every bit as steamy and wonderful as is the elven and human variety. I was forced to lock myself away for several days upon discovering that, whilst reading one of SilverMoonLady's stories, my upper lip was actually sweating. (Shut up, Sil, I did not have a flashlight and printed pages of Hobbit smut under the bed.) Well, I probably would have been fine after that, just knowing I was safe from the most evil and hated entities, the dark elves, the fallen Ainur, the dwarves. Hahaha, I say, but then...that's for other reviews. I would just like to thank you, SilverMoonLady, for giving that initial push off the diving board and into the ole muddy river which began my descent and also, I wanted to let you know that I'm now here amongst the really pissed off and gaining on you. You know what they say, if everyone's cranky, this must be Styx.
In summation, if you want to secure your spot in the abyss, read SilverMoonLady's yummy Hobbit fics, her Merry is one of the coolest guys and he just exudes an aura of manly, self possessed gentleman that is strangely attractive. Oh crap, there I go again.
Reviewer: lainien Category: Books/Time: Gap-Filler Valid Characters: 630 Score: 7
SilverMoonLady is simply one of my favorite authors! For anyone who loves hobbits, her stories--even her drabbles--are a must read. The first thing that I love about her stories is the characterization. When I read her hobbits speak, I can completely picture Pippin or Merry or Sam or Frodo saying exactly what she has them say--she has perfectly captured their voices. The second thing I like about her stories is the development of minor characters that Tolkin only mentioned, like Diamond or othe inhabitants of the Shire--these characters become so rich in her world. And thirdly, I love the tale she weaves--her stories are rich and they draw you in, making you feel the sadness or steamy romance or whatever the characters are feeling. SilverMoonLady is truly a gifted writer.
Reviews for Books/Time: Post-Ring War
Reviewer: Alassante Category: Books/Time: Post-Ring War Valid Characters: 1057 Score: 9
First I must admit, I do not read hobbit stories very often. In fact, I have probably read five (not counting drabbles). Of those five, four have been SilverMoonLady?s stories. Her writing blows me away so much that I do not care if she was writing about mushrooms, it would be interesting and beautiful. I began to read her writing because of drabble challenges that we had on Open Scrolls Archive (OSA). Her drabbles ranged anywhere from cute, funny, sexy, romantic, beautiful, dark, to poignant. It opened my eyes to how wonderful her writing was as well. We did a little drabble challenge of our own on LiveJournal and I challenged her to write elf smut, knowing she was a hobbit girl. Her drabble was so beautifully erotic, I was stunned almost speechless. And it was not dirty smut. It was romantic and beautiful because of her elegant and graceful wording, much like a historical writer. She will not be the next Danielle Steel but she might be the next Emily Dickenson.
She actually wrote a drabble about a hobbit that was so hot and sexy. I was taken aback. These creatures that previously were childlike to the point of being non-sexy were suddenly very erotic because of a short one hundred words. Tolkien could not do that for me in four books. Peter Jackson could not do it in three movies. She did it in one hundred words.
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Books/Time: Post-Ring War Valid Characters: 576 Score: 6
One of the things I like best about SilverMoon Lady is the fact that she realizes ALL of the hobbits (not just Frodo) are complex characters with feelings and motivations that, while hobbity on the surface, can often have deep underpinnings. Her stories are not as light and cheerful as the stories of other hobbit authors, but she backs up this difference with substance and flawless characterization. Even the Shire went through its share of rough spots, and SilverMoon Lady ensures that we never forget this. She gives her hobbits depth, and she pulls these depths into the light with fantastic plots that fit seamlessly into Tolkien's world. A very talented author, she has made the hobbits accessible for me.
Reviewer: Space Weavil Category: Books/Time: Post-Ring War Valid Characters: 408 Score: 5
SilverMoonLady ably demonstrates a deep sympathy and understanding for her characters, with the result that even someone unfamiliar with hobbit lore (I am more of an elf person) can understand and empathise with her stories. In fact, she creates so real and touching a picture that she can readily reduce her reader to tears. She has a true gift for capturing emotion with words, in a way that is believavble and not at all fluffy. It is real and down to earth, and extremely Hobbit-like, in my opinion.
Reviews for Genres: Romance
Reviewer: grey_wonderer Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 157 Score: 2
This author writes about hot steamy romances with deep relationships behind it all. Very adult and very sexy. She also gives you a wonderful storyline and well defined characters. Brilliant!
Reviewer: lainien Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 630 Score: 7
SilverMoonLady is simply one of my favorite authors! For anyone who loves hobbits, her stories--even her drabbles--are a must read. The first thing that I love about her stories is the characterization. When I read her hobbits speak, I can completely picture Pippin or Merry or Sam or Frodo saying exactly what she has them say--she has perfectly captured their voices. The second thing I like about her stories is the development of minor characters that Tolkin only mentioned, like Diamond or othe inhabitants of the Shire--these characters become so rich in her world. And thirdly, I love the tale she weaves--her stories are rich and they draw you in, making you feel the sadness or steamy romance or whatever the characters are feeling. SilverMoonLady is truly a gifted writer.
Reviews for Races/Places: Hobbits
Reviewer: grey_wonderer Category: Races/Places: Hobbits Valid Characters: 215 Score: 3
This wonderful author was the first person who's fiction I read that gave me a sense of romance between the hobbits. She writes grown-up hobbits with adult lives and loves. She is very expert at writing the small details that flesh out a story and give it more depth.
Reviewer: Ghettoelleth Category: Races/Places: Hobbits Valid Characters: 1174 Score: 10
Oh dear. My darling Sil is one of those very wicked people who dragged me kicking and screaming into a world where little munchkins with hairy feet have sex and we're all foaming at the mouth to watch. Sil really is taking courses from some of the lesser demons and is a sort of, 'cajole by example.' evangelical machiavelli. In other words, no one is safe until all the world has recognized that Hobbitcentric romance is every bit as steamy and wonderful as are the elven and human varieties. I was forced to lock myself away for several days upon discovering that, whilst reading one of SilverMoonLady's stories, my upper lip was actually sweating. (Shut up, Sil, I did not have a flashlight and printed pages of Hobbit smut under the bed.) Well, I probably would have been fine after that, just knowing I was safe from the most evil and hated entities, the dark elves, the fallen Ainur, the dwarves...hahaha, I say, but then...that's for other reviews. I would just like to thank you, SilverMoonLady, for giving me that initial push off the diving board and into the muddy boiling river which began my descent and also, I wanted to let you know that I'm now here amongst the really pissed off and gaining on you. You know what they say, if everyone?s cranky, this must be Styxx.
In summation, if you want to secure a place in the inferno and really enjoy yourself while doing it, read pretty much anything by SilverMoonLady. I almost want to say, it?s worth the trip.