2004 Author Reviews for
Silvermoon Lady
Reviews for Drama
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Drama
Stories: A Diamond in the Storm
This author leaves off at cliff-hangers. I should not complain of this, as it is generally a virtue if one is writing a WiP, but dang it! SilverMoon Lady brings a post-War Pippin to life with great skill, and manages to give us hints of how the post-War political situation in and around the Shire has unfolded; these hints and glimpses never feel added on, and add up to an interesting if incomplete picture that gives a lovely background for the characters to act against. I look forward to the completion of this fic.
Reviews for Hobbits
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Hobbits
Stories: Bedside Chatter, Moonlight on Summer Leaves, Recollections
I was very much blown away by Silvermoon's writing. I hadn't read any of her stories until now, and once again, I must express gratitude to these awards for exposing me to this writing. It's beautiful. We all know there are things going on in a hobbit's head that are deeper and more profound than what comes out when they start to speak. Silvermoon has the ability to pull these thoughts into the open without ever compromising the fact that these characters are still hobbits. She seizes upon the more reflective side of their natures and plays it for all its worth. When characters besides hobbits are brought in, Silvermoon demonstrates an amazing ability to describe their thoughts and impressions in but a few words. It's mind boggling. I'm still reeling! The stories themselves are quiet, thoughtful, and paced so smoothly that as a reader I slid in and out of them without ever truly recognizing that the story had come to an end. It's like learning to ride a bike and never realizing that dad has let go of the seat behind you. The story just releases you, and you keep peddling without knowing that it's not there anymore. And I think a lot of that has to do with the last lines of these stories. Not a word is wasted anywhere, but especially in the end, the language becomes a craft of pure genius. The closing words carry an enormous impact that keeps you thinking and dreaming. Stunning work by a very talented author!
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Hobbits
Stories: Bedside Chatter, Moonlight on Summer Leaves, Recollections
Silvermoon Lady handled the dialogue between her characters naturally and her characterizations were wonderful.
Reviewer: Sindohte Category: Hobbits
Stories: Bedside Chatter, Moonlight on Summer Leaves, Recollections
When I read fan fiction, my natural inclination is to veer towards stories featuring Elves, especially those from the First and Second Ages. However, Silvermoon Lady has gradually won me over. As a result of her writing, she has been able to broaden my horizons to include the world of Hobbits. There is a freshness and vitality to her writing which truly makes all of her characters, but especially Hobbits come to life.
Reviewer: Marigold Cotton Category: Hobbits
Stories: Bedside Chatter, Moonlight on Summer Leaves, Recollections
I really enjoy this author's ability to get into the minds of her characters.