2005 Author Reviews for
Space Weavil

Reviews for Books/Time: Post-Ring War

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Books/Time: Post-Ring War Valid Characters: 1129 Score: 10
I often wonder: is there any character, genre of plot Space Weavil cannot tackle? By now I realised that it doesn?t matter what challenge she takes on: it is always good and such a joy to read them. Space Weavil is a true story weaver: she manages to write complicated plotlines, mingles them, separates them when it is necessary and at the end she makes sure everything is nicely tied up. Besides taking very thorough care of plot and plotlines, her narrative is incredibly well written. She paints a world for the reader?s eyes with just words and yet you feel as if you are truly there. Every character she writes, you can feel the effort she takes to explore them profoundly and writes them extremely well in canon. Space Weavil cares for her characters and it shows. Whenever she uses original characters, she makes sure they have a purpose and are cleverly mentioned throughout the story making them not simply red crew t-shirt members. Unfortunately, with her story, The other day, the poor ents do not survive. I like the manner how Space Weavil takes on a genre as Post-Ring War. Her current competing story is far in the future and yet you think: what if Middle Earth existed long before our civilisation. It is very thought provoking material of which I actually never considered it before that this also fits this genre. I sincerely hope that in the future, we are treated with more of her stories.
Reviewer: Alassante Category: Books/Time: Post-Ring War Valid Characters: 937 Score: 8
SpaceWeavil is an amazing writer. She has such creativity and originality in her stories, I am always impressed with the overall picture that sometimes I miss some of the small details. Its that type of writing that makes you forget you are reading fan fiction and makes you feel like you have just jumped headfirst into Tolkien's world. Her serious stories have plotlines that are always full bodied like a fine wine with rich and bold details that weave together to create a beautiful tapestry of fine art. Her humorous stories are so outrageously funny you dare not read them at work for feeling of people looking at you strangely for laughing outloud at your desk.I like how she chooses the most uncommon character to write her stories about. Like one of her stories nominated was about two ents. Another was a romance story about Gandalf. Most writers are not brave enough to risk breaking the mold too much but Space just sees a undiscovered area in the books or the HoME and goes exploring. From there, you never know where you will end up. Whether she is serious or funny, you will always enjoy reading a good SpaceWeavil story!

Reviews for Books/Time: The Silmarillion

Reviewer: SilverMoonLady Category: Books/Time: The Silmarillion Valid Characters: 350 Score: 4
Ah, SpaceWeavil indeed is a most amazing author whose quality of work stands out and whose creative courage is a wonderful example. She dares to go where others do not, and turns around to give us tales of complex characters, solid plots and far off places that now live on more real than they had been before. She also has a range that astounds me; humor, mystery, romance, epics, drama, none of these genres daunts her abilities.
Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Books/Time: The Silmarillion Valid Characters: 1096 Score: 10
I often wonder: is there any character, genre of plot Space Weavil cannot tackle? By now I realised that it doesn?t matter what challenge she takes on: it is always good and such a joy to read them. Space Weavil is a true story weaver: she manages to write complicated plotlines, mingles them, separates them when it is necessary and at the end she makes sure everything is nicely tied up. Besides taking very thorough care of plot and plotlines, her narrative is incredibly well written. She paints a world for the reader?s eyes with just words and yet you feel as if you are truly there. Every character she writes, you can feel the effort she takes to explore them profoundly and writes them extremely well in canon. Space Weavil cares for her characters and it shows. Whenever she uses original characters, she makes sure they have a purpose and are cleverly mentioned throughout the story making them not simply red crew t-shirt members. Space Weavil has a firm knowledge of canon, which clearly shows when she writes a story fitting in the genre The Silmarillion. When she develops a plot, she also takes a lot if time to explore canon and only to weave it into outstanding prose. But not only that, she creates a Valinor of which we don?t know that much in a very believable manner. I sincerely hope that in the future, we are treated with more of her stories.
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Books/Time: The Silmarillion Valid Characters: 549 Score: 6
Space Weavil goes out on a limb for the story "Once in a Fair Green Country" and trumps all the odds. Gandalf romances are all but impossible to visualize, yet Space Weavil does it and does it with plausibility. Olorin's early characterization has so many seeds that will later bear fruit in his incarnation as Gandalf the Grey and also Gandalf the White. And adding more plausibility to the story, Space Weavil keeps a very firm sense of time about the whole thing. The sections with Elrond and Gandalf are very clearly in the Third Age and the flashbacks cannot be mistaken for anything other than a story from the Age of the Trees. Great detail for place and time, and brilliant daring pays off.
Reviewer: Ghettoelleth Category: Books/Time: The Silmarillion Valid Characters: 1909 Score: 10
I guess its really fitting that my final review for this years MEFAs is of SpaceWeavil, The Weave or Weavums, as she's known about the talans of OSA. Of all the authors who really have no business shaming us wee ones in the fanfic community by submitting their work next to ours, Space is probably my favorite. There are times when comparing and contrasting my writing with hers makes me want to have a zippo raid with my own, immature babbling. When Space writes a humorous piece, I can honestly say that she never fails to hit her mark. She has the most wickedly wonderful way of writing the Nazgul that is so tongue in cheek and somehow so right on target that I find myself reading as slow as possible in order to draw out the decadent pleasure of her characters. I have had the honor of her assistance in creating an A/U community for the past few months and I'm nothing short of in awe of her ability to endear the Witchking and his cronies without ever making them seem silly, well, with the exception of Bawab who is supposed to be, or diluting their character. I have no idea how she accomplishes this but its a thing of genius and beauty to behold. But beyond her brilliant ability to write humor is her talent for striking a perfect balance with the more tragic canon characters of Tolkiens work. In my mind, she will always hold the perfect image of Cirdan for me in her story The Grey Haven, as well as one of the saddest realizations of Gil-galad that I've ever read. Her Elrond is exquisite and perfect as an elf lord should be and I see him so clearly in my mind when reading Space's work, never once tripping over a false note or a single moment of uncharacteristic behavior. It makes reading about a character as popular as Elrond such a joy when you don't have to stop and pucker up in the process due to a sour turn of phrase that doesn't sit well. Yet for all the wonderful writing of such heroic characters I have to say that at the moment I am totally infatuated with Space's characterization of Grima Wormtongue. I savor every word she writes about him and I can only say that, rather than feel jealous, I feel she has challenged me in the best positive way to stay true to the vision of Grima that she has firmly planted in everyone's mind. Space is often times my hero and always what I hope some day to achieve as a writer.

Reviews for Genres: Drama (includes Angst)

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Drama (includes Angst) Valid Characters: 1174 Score: 10
I often wonder: is there any character, genre of plot Space Weavil cannot tackle? By now I realised that it doesn?t matter what challenge she takes on: it is always good and such a joy to read them. Space Weavil is a true story weaver: she manages to write complicated plotlines, mingles them, separates them when it is necessary and at the end she makes sure everything is nicely tied up. Besides taking very thorough care of plot and plotlines, her narrative is incredibly well written. She paints a world for the reader?s eyes with just words and yet you feel as if you are truly there. Every character she writes, you can feel the effort she takes to explore them profoundly and writes them extremely well in canon. Space Weavil cares for her characters and it shows. Whenever she uses original characters, she makes sure they have a purpose and are cleverly mentioned throughout the story making them not simply red crew t-shirt members. When Space takes on Drama and she combines it with elves, I am simply amazed how she dares to go where not every writer will go. She let her characters experience so much pain and yet gives them the courage they need to continue. It feels to me that the message is: there is always pain and misery, but there is also hope as well. When she develops a plot, she also takes a lot if time to explore canon and only to weave it into outstanding prose. I sincerely hope that in the future, we are treated with more of her stories.

Reviews for Genres: Romance

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 1009 Score: 9
I often wonder: is there any character, genre of plot Space Weavil cannot tackle? By now I realised that it doesn?t matter what challenge she takes on: it is always good and such a joy to read them. Space Weavil is a true story weaver: she manages to write complicated plotlines, mingles them, separates them when it is necessary and at the end she makes sure everything is nicely tied up. Besides taking very thorough care of plot and plotlines, her narrative is incredibly well written. She paints a world for the reader?s eyes with just words and yet you feel as if you are truly there. Every character she writes, you can feel the effort she takes to explore them profoundly and writes them extremely well in canon. Space Weavil cares for her characters and it shows. Whenever she uses original characters, she makes sure they have a purpose and are cleverly mentioned throughout the story making them not simply red crew t-shirt members. When Space writes Romance and she combines it with elves, I am just in awe how carefully she develops a romance between, for example: Elrond and Celebr?an. She looks at which is stated in canon and she interpreters in outstanding prose. I sincerely hope that in the future, we are treated with more of her stories.
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