2006 Author Reviews for
Space Weavil

Reviews for Genres: Drama

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Drama Valid Characters: 1135 Score: 10
Wow Space, what to say about your incredibly wide range of writing talents? Or your unique voice? Or your very unique elves? Or your very incredibly take on the Witchking? Or how you simple write any character, genre or plot you embark upon? Spaceweavil?s stories set in the Second Age always have an unique perspective that she so generously share with us. For some reason, the way Space writes Gil-Galad for example, is how I envision him or see written in Tolkien?s works. The same goes for Cirdan, Elrond, and Glorfindel. But then there Space also has an impressive background story featuring the Witchking of which ?Master of Shadows? deals with small discarded fragments of it. If you liked that work, then ?And in the Darkness Bind Them? is a great work to read. Space simply comes up with an ideas (sometimes very crazy or naughty ones), she selects her characters, and with her skills, she always can weave an excellent story for us. Space?s material most often have intriguing plotlines, and she mingles them and does not shy to separate them when she deems its necessary for the story. But when you as a reader reach the end of a story, Space connects everything with such an excellent craft, that I most often go back and read the story again. Space is an incredible all-round author writing in more fandoms than Tolkien alone and I always look forward to new works of her.

Reviews for Genres: Humor

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 1135 Score: 10
Wow Space, what to say about your incredibly wide range of writing talents? Or your unique voice? Or your very unique elves? Or your very incredibly take on the Witchking? Or how you simple write any character, genre or plot you embark upon? Spaceweavil?s stories set in the Second Age always have an unique perspective that she so generously share with us. For some reason, the way Space writes Gil-Galad for example, is how I envision him or see written in Tolkien?s works. The same goes for Cirdan, Elrond, and Glorfindel. But then there Space also has an impressive background story featuring the Witchking of which ?Master of Shadows? deals with small discarded fragments of it. If you liked that work, then ?And in the Darkness Bind Them? is a great work to read. Space simply comes up with an ideas (sometimes very crazy or naughty ones), she selects her characters, and with her skills, she always can weave an excellent story for us. Space?s material most often have intriguing plotlines, and she mingles them and does not shy to separate them when she deems its necessary for the story. But when you as a reader reach the end of a story, Space connects everything with such an excellent craft, that I most often go back and read the story again. Space is an incredible all-round author writing in more fandoms than Tolkien alone and I always look forward to new works of her.

Reviews for Races: Elves

Reviewer: Rhapsody Category: Races: Elves Valid Characters: 1138 Score: 10
Wow Space, what to say about your incredibly wide range of writing talents? Or your unique voice? Or your very unique elves? Or your very incredibly take on the Witchking? Or how you simple write any character, genre or plot you embark upon? Space Weavil?s stories set in the Second Age always have an unique perspective that she so generously share with us. For some reason, the way Space writes Gil-Galad for example, is how I envision him or see written in Tolkien?s works. The same goes for Cirdan, Elrond, and Glorfindel. But then there Space also has an impressive background story featuring the Witchking of which ?Master of Shadows? deals with small discarded fragments of it. If you liked that work, then ?And in the Darkness Bind Them? is a great work to read. Space simply comes up with an ideas (sometimes very crazy or naughty ones), she selects her characters, and with her skills, she always can weave an excellent story for us. Space?s material most often have intriguing plotlines, and she mingles them and does not shy to separate them when she deems its necessary for the story. But when you as a reader reach the end of a story, you connect everything with such an excellent craft, that I most often go back and read the story again. Space Weavil is an incredible all-round author writing in more fandoms than Tolkien alone and I always look forward to new works of her.
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