2004 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Elves: Vignette

Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Elves: Vignette
Stories: Dancing Within Walls
Sphinx burrows into the elven mindset and then sets up shop there, which is something I don't think I've seen any other writer do quite to this extent or this brilliance. The story of Elrond and Arwen engaging in one last dance is a fascinating, moving masterpiece of writing that takes all the complex paradoxes of the elven mind and turns it into a dance, both figuratively and literally. The narrative is close and yet also distanced, and the relationship between Elrond and Arwen is magnificently portrayed, but even more compelling for me were Elrond's thoughts on Estel, whom he considers a son, and Elessar, whom he's not quite sure he knows. Crisp, evocative writing and beautiful details.

Reviews for The Silmarillion

Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: The Silmarillion
Stories: Pause, Eloquent Remembrance
With the two stories here, Sphinx shows herself to be a master of many forms. "Pause" was a very detached, dream-like tale with an aging Tuor at the end of his journeys, and it seems to glance over things quickly, which is exactly what Tuor's wandering mind was probably doing at that stage of his life. In sharp contrast is the confrontation between Finarfin and Celeborn, two of the wisest elves on Arda. Sphinx doesn't glance over anything in that goes but goes straight for the throat. Or rather, Finarfin does, and Celeborn doesn't shy away in the least. Both are very well-written, and the contrast in style, mood, and content say quite a bit about Sphinx's abilities as an author.
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