2006 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Times: First Age and Prior

Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 904 Score: 8
Never one to let a bad pun slip by unused, Tehta is among the most ambitious humor writers I\'ve seen in fandom. She writes comedies of manners and misunderstandings that are truly hysterical, as well as contemporary given the issues that set up the plots. Although her characterizations are askew from what one reads in the books, they are askew in precisely that right way--there\'s enough of a nod to Tolkien to get the reader through the door, and then the rest of her quirky characterization and marvellous sense of humor do the rest of the work of seduction. Tehta can also write dramatic pieces, however, when the fit takes her, and she has a gift for making not terribly likeable characters sympthetic in their peculiar ways, most of which Tehta has to invent for them. Although I believe she seems to downplay her narrative voice, I find it is often very effective and gives a break from the witty dialogue, as well as allowing her to cover swaths of temporal ground quickly and so keep the pacing quick. Even if you\'re not primarily interested in Elves or the Silm, give Tehta\'s work a try!
Reviewer: Marta Category: Times: First Age and Prior Valid Characters: 463 Score: 5
Tehta has taken the few hints Tolkien gives us about life of Gondolin in the canon, and woven it into a complete world. And what a hilarious world it is. These elves are not so old and tired they have forgotten what it means to fall short of the mark. Still very much elves, but misunderstandings do arise. They bring a sense of humor to these days before the fall that I found worthy of an out-loud laugh or two. Pity Turgon, for having such subjects. It?s a great set of scenarios that are told well, resulting in some upbeat stories that keep you reading and smiling.
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