2005 Author Reviews for
Thundera Tiger
Reviews for Books/Time: Gap-Filler
Reviewer: Marta Category: Books/Time: Gap-Filler Valid Characters: 411 Score: 5
Thundera has a real skill for writing those underdeveloped corners of canon. Northern D?nedain Rangers. Dwarves. Animals. Elves in Mordor. Basically anything that Tolkien hinted at. She has a sense of humour that she brings to everyday life that "fills the corners" (to borrow a hobbity phrase) without overwhelming her stories, and it never, never seems inappropriate. I am yet to find a story of hers that I wasn't glad I read. Keep up the good work, Thundera! I'm always interested in reading more of your stuff.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Books/Time: Gap-Filler Valid Characters: 834 Score: 8
As I've said before, Thundera Tiger was the first author I'd read who had the ambition and ability to write a major gap-filler that wasn't afraid to linger, to stay with the Fellowship over an extended period of time. She was, from the very beginning, an excellent ensemble writer, and especially when that ensemble is the Fellowship. I'd go so far as to say that gap-filling the Fellowship is Thundera's specialty, the fictional space where she really shines and is able to let her talents as a humorist, dramatist, and action-writer play freely. In fact, she doesn't so fill gaps, unless we're talking gaps the size of the one in Rohan; Thundera's work (much of it, at any rate) is nothing if not grand in scope.
Like many authors, she's a character writer?it's the interpersonal that drives things, and perhaps that's a part of why she's a great gap-filler. With a basic structure given, she can focus on those interpersonal relationships to her heart's content, and she makes sure that each character gets his (or her) due.
Reviewer: sulriel Category: Books/Time: Gap-Filler Valid Characters: 261 Score: 3
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for these enjoyable tales.
Reviews for Books/Time: Post-Ring War
Reviewer: Marta Category: Books/Time: Post-Ring War Valid Characters: 411 Score: 5
Thundera has a real skill for writing those underdeveloped corners of canon. Northern D?nedain Rangers. Dwarves. Animals. Elves in Mordor. Basically anything that Tolkien hinted at. She has a sense of humour that she brings to everyday life that "fills the corners" (to borrow a hobbity phrase) without overwhelming her stories, and it never, never seems inappropriate. I am yet to find a story of hers that I wasn't glad I read. Keep up the good work, Thundera! I'm always interested in reading more of your stuff.
Reviewer: Sivan Shemesh Category: Books/Time: Post-Ring War Valid Characters: 141 Score: 2
This story forever remain in my heart as my mind, as god, you have so much powerful in your writing, and you make me cry.
It is damn good writing, as I love your story.
Sivan Shemesh
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Books/Time: Post-Ring War Valid Characters: 316 Score: 4
Just as when she's writing gap-fillers, Thundera looks to fill in the massive blank space that is the Fourth Age, whether it's within spitting distance of the Ring War, or the ultimate end of the Fellowship. Legolas and Gimli are her focus very often, even as they are during the Third Age fics, but there's always plenty going on to keep us from feeling caught in a world reduced to the Elf and Dwarf.
Reviews for Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings
Reviewer: Marta Category: Books/Time: The Lord of The Rings Valid Characters: 411 Score: 5
Thundera has a real skill for writing those underdeveloped corners of canon. Northern D?nedain Rangers. Dwarves. Animals. Elves in Mordor. Basically anything that Tolkien hinted at. She has a sense of humour that she brings to everyday life that "fills the corners" (to borrow a hobbity phrase) without overwhelming her stories, and it never, never seems inappropriate. I am yet to find a story of hers that I wasn't glad I read. Keep up the good work, Thundera! I'm always interested in reading more of your stuff.
Reviews for Genres: Drama (includes Angst)
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Drama (includes Angst) Valid Characters: 411 Score: 5
Thundera has a real skill for writing those underdeveloped corners of canon. Northern D?nedain Rangers. Dwarves. Animals. Elves in Mordor. Basically anything that Tolkien hinted at. She has a sense of humour that she brings to everyday life that "fills the corners" (to borrow a hobbity phrase) without overwhelming her stories, and it never, never seems inappropriate. I am yet to find a story of hers that I wasn't glad I read. Keep up the good work, Thundera! I'm always interested in reading more of your stuff.
Reviews for Genres: Humor
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 411 Score: 5
Thundera has a real skill for writing those underdeveloped corners of canon. Northern D?nedain Rangers. Dwarves. Animals. Elves in Mordor. Basically anything that Tolkien hinted at. She has a sense of humour that she brings to everyday life that "fills the corners" (to borrow a hobbity phrase) without overwhelming her stories, and it never, never seems inappropriate. I am yet to find a story of hers that I wasn't glad I read. Keep up the good work, Thundera! I'm always interested in reading more of your stuff.
Reviewer: sulriel Category: Genres: Humor Valid Characters: 261 Score: 3
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for these enjoyable tales.
Reviews for Genres: Movie-verse
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Movie-verse Valid Characters: 411 Score: 5
Thundera has a real skill for writing those underdeveloped corners of canon. Northern D?nedain Rangers. Dwarves. Animals. Elves in Mordor. Basically anything that Tolkien hinted at. She has a sense of humour that she brings to everyday life that "fills the corners" (to borrow a hobbity phrase) without overwhelming her stories, and it never, never seems inappropriate. I am yet to find a story of hers that I wasn't glad I read. Keep up the good work, Thundera! I'm always interested in reading more of your stuff.
Reviewer: sulriel Category: Genres: Movie-verse Valid Characters: 261 Score: 3
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for these enjoyable tales.
Reviews for Races/Places: Cross-Cultural
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races/Places: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 411 Score: 5
Thundera has a real skill for writing those underdeveloped corners of canon. Northern D?nedain Rangers. Dwarves. Animals. Elves in Mordor. Basically anything that Tolkien hinted at. She has a sense of humour that she brings to everyday life that "fills the corners" (to borrow a hobbity phrase) without overwhelming her stories, and it never, never seems inappropriate. I am yet to find a story of hers that I wasn't glad I read. Keep up the good work, Thundera! I'm always interested in reading more of your stuff.
Reviewer: sulriel Category: Races/Places: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 261 Score: 3
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for these enjoyable tales.
Reviews for Races/Places: Elves
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races/Places: Elves Valid Characters: 411 Score: 5
Thundera has a real skill for writing those underdeveloped corners of canon. Northern D?nedain Rangers. Dwarves. Animals. Elves in Mordor. Basically anything that Tolkien hinted at. She has a sense of humour that she brings to everyday life that "fills the corners" (to borrow a hobbity phrase) without overwhelming her stories, and it never, never seems inappropriate. I am yet to find a story of hers that I wasn't glad I read. Keep up the good work, Thundera! I'm always interested in reading more of your stuff.
Reviewer: sulriel Category: Races/Places: Elves Valid Characters: 261 Score: 3
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for these enjoyable tales.
Reviews for Races/Places: Men
Reviewer: Marta Category: Races/Places: Men Valid Characters: 411 Score: 5
Thundera has a real skill for writing those underdeveloped corners of canon. Northern D?nedain Rangers. Dwarves. Animals. Elves in Mordor. Basically anything that Tolkien hinted at. She has a sense of humour that she brings to everyday life that "fills the corners" (to borrow a hobbity phrase) without overwhelming her stories, and it never, never seems inappropriate. I am yet to find a story of hers that I wasn't glad I read. Keep up the good work, Thundera! I'm always interested in reading more of your stuff.
Reviewer: sulriel Category: Races/Places: Men Valid Characters: 261 Score: 3
Thundera Tiger has a gift with words and characterizations. I especially enjoy the keen wit and insightful conversations that thread through all her stories. Her talent seems to transcend genre and her tales are as compelling regardless of if they are about Hobbits, Elfs, Men or Orcs. Thank you for these enjoyable tales.