2004 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Lord of the Rings: Vignette
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Lord of the Rings: Vignette
Stories: Sting
Treehugger is one of my favorite writers for her humor, but she can also write the poignant story as well. She knows her characters well and that shows even in these two (Bilbo and Glorfindel) that she doesn't write as often as certain others.
Reviews for The Hobbit
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: The Hobbit
Stories: In the Hall of the Wood Elf King
TreeHugger can write serious fics. I know because I've read some of them. The fic here is not serious in the least, and what I love about it is the sheer contrast in styles that TreeHugger uses. Earlier fics were more solemn and dramatic, and the narrative reflected that. But with "In the Hall of the Wood Elf King," TreeHugger shows us that she's just as capable of writing hilarious dialogue, narrative, and situations. This story actually reminds me a bit of some Shakespearean comedies in which nothing seems to go right no matter how hard people try to make it work, and everything is taken as far as it can go and then some. It requires a brave author to take so many liberties with the characters, and it requires a talented author to make it work. TreeHugger is both.
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: The Hobbit
Stories: In the Hall of the Wood Elf King
TreeHugger is a precious commodity! She's hilarious! And she makes such wonderfully enduring original characters. No Sues here. Just wonderful depth and personalities so that they really feel alive. And she can make a reader laugh and laugh and laugh. I'm still jealous of those who can write humor and TreeHugger certainly fits into that category! She's brilliant.