2004 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Horror

Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Horror
Stories: The Complexities of Power, The Truth of Ugliness
Watcherchild uses classic seduction and temptation techniques in these stories, and they provide much of the horror all by themselves. The fact that darkness will return again and again until an answer is given, and that darkness will be unusually patient in the for that answer, is an unnerving concept. You can reject it as often as you like, but you will never be completely free of it.
Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Horror
Stories: The Complexities of Power, The Truth of Ugliness
Watcherchild did a superb job at imagining the torture that might turn an Elf into an Orc. And I was impressed that someone could even imagine how it was that Sauron was corrupted, but Watcherchild managed quite well and actually made me understand in some small way.
Reviewer: Elanor Category: Horror
Stories: The Complexities of Power, The Truth of Ugliness
Thoughtful stories both. But "The Truth of Ugliness" for me is the better crafted. One should read "The next step" as a companion to this piece. Yet I would not have categorized these stories as horror.
Reviewer: Alexcat Category: Horror
Stories: The Complexities of Power, The Truth of Ugliness
This author's work truly fits the category…I felt and seen the ugliness of Melkor.

Reviews for Mystery

Reviewer: Elanor Category: Mystery
Stories: The Nature of Starlight, The Next Step
Three of the four Watcherchild's stories were very thoughtful. But IMO these stories belong into the category Silmarillion. "The next step" is for me the best of the four I read.
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