2004 Author Reviews for
Wild Iris

Reviews for Elves

Reviewer: Chathol-linn Category: Elves
Stories: Keystone
Not many writers can make a story both enjoyable and sweet to the end. This one did it and kept my attention through telling us a story - one where we don't know what will happen next. Iliked the details of the winter celebration although I would like to have known more about the emotional significance of it to the Elves. Also, I really like stories told in the third person with exterior action. Another plus was the Elvish names. They sounded authentically Sindarin, were beautiful and - gasp - easy to pronounce. Someday someone is going to come up with an Elf named Aeiou-iel. Or EEiiEEiiOwen. Just kidding. Anyway, the entire tone of the story was most Elvish - the style of the dialog, the story about their awakening under stars, the manifest love of the Valar; the air of knowing the history of all the ages. The Dwarves were great - I won't say why, just that you should read the story.

Reviews for Elves: Drabble

Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: Elves: Drabble
Stories: Untitled (Mirkwood)
Someone who shows the dark side of Mirkwood, and in only one hundred words.
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Elves: Drabble
Stories: Untitled (Mirkwood)
One of the more powerful and evocative authors in the fandom, Wild Iris has an ability to look at characters from the outside, examining surface reactions first, before moving in to the mind. The result is powerful, especially when it involves elves because the world for them is a very vivid experience thanks to their heightened senses. Wild Iris pays tribute to this by focusing first on the surroundings and then on the character.
Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Elves: Drabble
Stories: Untitled (Mirkwood)
Wild Iris is another who doesn't need many words to move you, and her drabbles are always insightful.

Reviews for The Hobbit

Reviewer: Ainaechoiriel Category: The Hobbit
Stories: The Emblem You Chose
Wild Iris did a great job with her characterization of Thranduil. I think she got him right on the mark. And it was a lovely story she wrote for him paying tribute to Thorin.
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