2006 Author Reviews for
annmarwalk/EdorasLass CoAuthors

Reviews for Genres: Romance

Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 387 Score: 4
Although they have only one story entered into this year\'s MEFAs, the co-authors of the series it belongs to do fine work with Theodred and Boromir, creating memorable character interactions between the two, with Theoden, and also (later) Theodred\'s OFC young daughters. Good, sensual fun for those of us who like slash, and also appreciate some sense of cultural setting to pick out one warrior from another, neither of whom had nearly enough lines in the books.
Reviewer: Larner Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 157 Score: 3
Ann and EdorasLass here together have crafted a wonderful look at how such an unusual pairing (for Tolkien\'s Middle Earth, at least) might have come about. Told with delicacy and delight.
Reviewer: Marta Category: Genres: Romance Valid Characters: 196 Score: 3
Both annmarwalk and EdorasLass are brilliant by themselves. But what\'s really remarkable is that together their styles complement each other. That doesn\'t always turn out to be the case, but they write well together as well as apart.
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