2005 Author Reviews for
Reviews for Races/Places: Villains
Reviewer: Thundera Tiger Category: Races/Places: Villains Valid Characters: 813 Score: 8
In one deft stroke, Khazar-Khum manages to turn the conceptions of the fanon world on their head and paint a picture of the Nazgul unlike any I've ever seen before. There have been a few instances where one or two Nazgul will appear sympathetic, but nothing like this. I've yet to come across anything quite this ambitious or innovative. And what makes it even more remarkable is that Khazar manages to cram it all into canon. It fits. It has the feel of something that is new and untried simply because this is such a novel approach, but it still fits. Khazar ties it in neatly with numerous early Third Age events, and the retelling of the fall of Numenor as well as Sauron's capture was brilliant. Beyond that, the plot itself was intriguing, and Khazar does a fantastic job in exploring Ring lore in addition to what it means to be a Nazgul and what they have given up in exchange for their new forms. Hats off to Khazar for ground-breaking originality and for having the guts to forward with something this daring.