2006 Author Reviews for

Reviews for Races: Cross-Cultural

Reviewer: Dwimordene Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 732 Score: 6
Meckinock has an excellent sense for drama and adventure, and a knack for cranking the tension up by throwing in unexpected plot twists that are all too plausible. She does a stellar job of world-building, paying particular attention to human cultures, such as the Dunedain remnant and the Dunlendings (who show up how often in fanfiction?). Her characterizations are spot on target, believable, and the characters\' voices are each individual. Her Halbarad is particularly well done, which is guaranteed to suck in all your Northern Dunedain fanciers. She also has excellent pacing, moving the story along smoothly, yet without either hurrying or dragging things out. That works well for an adventure or quest story, which is always negotiating the need to keep things exciting by moving quickly and the need for deeper delving into characters\' lives and personalities.
Reviewer: Imhiriel Category: Races: Cross-Cultural Valid Characters: 279 Score: 3
With the one nominated work [\"A Matter of Honor\"] and its prequel [\"In the Hands of the Enemy\"], Meckinock shows a profound knowledge of cultures and races in Eriador and how they might interact - peacefully or not. Fully-realised characters and environments make her well-paced plots not only gripping, but also engaging and evocative.
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